hows it going?

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"Sam, i'm gunna go an get some food can you call your brother an see how things are going?" Bobby said on his way out of the motel. Sam wassn't really paying much attention though he had spotted a local news article online about strange goings on, it was the kind of thing Dean and him would snap up. Sam was itching to hunt again they haddnt been since Cas got back.

That made Sam think. What if once Cas was better Dean no longer wanted to hunt. Sam felt a stab of jealousy. He had tried and tried to get out of hunting. He had finally accepted it, he just couldn't live an apple pie life. But now Dean the most emotionally fucked out of them both, had fallen in love and was ready to settle down. Atleast i actually know how to express my feelings, i never knew my mum or dad for that matter. Im okay with how i am, Dean always feels inadequate and doubts himself. Yeah fair enough we have been through a lot, but i never turnt to alcoholism to solve my problems. Every time Dean cant handle things he drowns his sorrows in a bottle of Jack. Wonder if Cas knows that... Course he does he's an angel and he has been watching over Dean... Us... Since he bought him back from hell.

"Sam? How's things in the bunker?" Sam looked around for a second trying to think of an excuse. "Um.. uh, there good Dean didnt tell me much, too busy." Bobby shook his head put the takeout down on the table and sat down opposite Sam. "Don't try lyin to me boy, I practicly raised you as my own, now whats eating at ya?" Sam gave an exasperated sigh.

"I guess theres no point lying, so uh its Cas well not Cas, Dean but it's not his fault. I cant be angry at him for loving him. Its just... I dunno i had Jess she was the closest thing i had to a normal life i loved and still love her, But i didnt get to be with her, now she's dead. Then there was Maddison, and Ruby and Amelia. None of them i got to live out my desires. But Dean Seems more than happy to forget what ive given up for him and for hunting in general." Bobby sits and contemplates what Sam Said. "Look Sam you have lost a lot for him and he knows it. Dean is getting restless. And yes the two of them are all cute now but you remeber how it was before when Cas came with you, it will be like that again soon enough. Look Sam, I dont think its a good idea for you to come back to the bunker, I'm gunna make a few calls. Why don't you find a couple cases and stretch your legs. I'll keep an eye on things here." Solemly Sam nodded and Bobby got up to make his calls.

Once Bobby had sorted out a hunting buddy for Sam he made the call to Dean,

"Hey bud,"

"Bobby? you realise what time it is?"

"Uh, no why?"

"It's one, in the morning!"

"Ah, sorry 'bout that but just thought i'd check in. How is he."

"Taking a shower, he belives me for the most part and we've been talking about what he is going to have to do now he's human. Thats scaring him at the minute, and me if i'm honest."

"Well atleast he hassnt tried to kill you," Bobby chuckled but there was a hint of unease.

"Bobby?" Asked Dean sensing the distress. "whats wrong?"

"Its nothing really i just got a couple of calls and Sam has offered to go for me, its just a couple of demon cases, you know the usual." Dean wassnt one hundred percent sure but he went with it.

"Ah okay, As long as he isn't alone."

"He'll be fine, now go and get some rest i'll see you in the morning?"

"Alright Bobby," He hung up.

One last time. One last fightWhere stories live. Discover now