acting out

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Dean had opted for a plain black Vneck, it was the only top that felt comfortable. That and it just happened to Cas' favourite top. He was wearing HIS favourite blue jeans simply because they didn't cling to his butt as much as the others.

He stepped out of the bedroom feeling like he could take on the world, singing living on a prayer to himself he pranced towards the living room. When he got to the door way he stopped dead in his tracks. Everyone was staring at him, grinning like Cheshire cats. Cas was the first to speak, "Dean Winchester everybody!" and he threw his arm out towards Dean. Dean began to blush and everyone erupted into raucous laughter.

Cas he cleaned up, made a new pot of coffee, Cas had always mysteriously made excellent coffee, and had changed into tan slacks with a blue cotton shirt with half the buttons undone exposing his shimmering chest.

Once everyone had sat down Sam, Bobby and Haniel on the couch, and Cas on the Armchair with Dean perching on the arm rest. Everyone had a brew in hand and were just chatting away catching up with each other. Even though it had only been about two weeks since they had separated. Any tension that was present began to ebb away, no thanks to Haniel.

Dean was so caught up in chatting to Bobby about a football game that he hadn't noticed Sam staring. The two angels and Sam had stopped talking and Cas just looked at Dean with a deceptive proud grin on his face, as he waited for Dean to finish.

"Dean?" Dean looked towards Sam, "Yes Sammy?" Dean was getting confused. Why was everyone quiet, what was so important? "uh,-" Sam stifled a chuckle, "whats that on your neck?" Dean hand shot up top his neck and he went a violent shade of scarlet, "Umumumum," was about as much as Dean could semi-coherently murmmer. He was so caught up in his daydreams that he had totally forgotten about having company and how they might see the marks Cas had left on him only minutes ago.

Cas was in stitches by this point, it made Deans heart swell. So in return he just pouted and looked at his fiancee, "Your no help!" Cas knew Dean was joking but he playfully pushed Dean and he toppled from his perch, but by the time he reached the floor he landed in Cas' lap with a wince. Cas bent down as if to Kiss Dean but possessively whispered in his ear instead. "my little lap dog!"

Dean's dick twitched and he blushed even more, Cas quickly kissed him, making it even harder for Dean to control the growing erection. He would make Cas pay for this. And that was exactly that, he crashed down to earth from cloud nine. This wasn't just a family gathering, Cas still had to have his grace removed.

Sam cleared his throat, this time Cas flushed pink. They sat back on the chair. Dean looked at Cas and said very proudly, "Its a good job I'm marrying you!" He knew he just made Cas feel a million times better. Cas was simply acting out because he was nervous, this was not an act he genuinely felt like that towards Dean but he was only making it so obvious because he was afraid of Dean leaving.

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