crunch time

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The morning came all too quick for the couple, neither of them slept very well through the night, at one point they had managed to stay awake long enough to utter a few soothing words to each other and move from the living room to the bedroom.

Cas was the first to wake up in the morning, he didn't need to check the clock like Deans so often does, the Angel in him just knew. He wondered what it would be like to be human. he presumed it would feel like he was drowning, one of the few things he did not understand about humanity was that they seemed to accept their fate. The few who didn't were deemed mentally unstable that or they killed themselves. Cas was afraid of that and the fact that if he lost his grace there was a very high chance he would forget Dean and run away never to know who the love of his life is. That was what broke him the fact that he could loose Dean, he by no means could loose Dean, so what Dean technically corrupt him but isn't that what people so often do. Do any thing for love they say, Cas thought.

Dean stirred and rubbed his eyes, the younger man shifted and subconsciously began searching for his boyfriend, his long lean arms stretching out beside him searching for the angels presence. His long rough skin on his fingers warmed as he found Castiel's outstretched hand. He grabbed it firmly and rolled over opening his sleepy eyes to stare into Castiel's beautiful blue eyes. The colour of Cas's eyes reminded him of a bright sunny day in Lawrence the day after a storm, with the Sky bright and cloudless.

"your eyes are beautiful, Cas. Do i tell you that? they are miraculous its almost like i can see your soul, not your..... well uh you get what i mean." Cas was slightly taken aback Dean rarely told Cas things like that he tell Cas how much he appreciated the way his vessel looks and it makes Cas feel all warm and fuzzy, a human emotion he still doesn't really understand, but Dean doesn't normally go so far he does not risk exposing how he really feels. Cas suddenly throws himself at the hunter, wrapping his arms around the confused man, tears begin to tumble down Cas' face and Dean swiftly gets rid of them with a gently swipe of his pinkie finger. The couple fervently kiss, both men trembling. They cannot get enough of each other. They are simply wrapped in each others arms with the quilt discarded halfway down the bed. This was not romantic, there was no ulterior motive behind their actions. This was not pity sex, sorry sex, i miss you sex, i want something sex, there's bad news sex, not even sleepy sex. This was thier way of expressing just how much they really meant to one another, showing they could not live without eachother.

Lucky for them neither man really wore much to bed that night preferring to just strip of all clothes but underwear, so removing clothes was simple. Dean backed away from Cas slightly but still held one of the angels hands,never letting go. Both men shimmied out of their boxers at the same time and resumed the bump and grind they were at before. This time Dean moved one hand into Cas' hair and began massaging the scalp whilst he raised his index and middle fingers on his opposite hand to his mouth and spat on them. Cas sucked in a deep breath he knew what was coming next, Dean started with his index finger then finding Cas ready and willing he slid in his middle finger and he began pressing on Cas's prostate, making Cas whine. "shh, baby." Dean cooed. "I know exactly what you need-" he hesitated for a moment as he removed his fingers and lined up his hard penis, "im the only one baby, i know how to look after you-" Dean slid in with ease and gripped Cas' hips pulling him properly onto him. Cas began bouncing slowly, more like bobbing. It was painfully slow for the both of them. Dean kept muttering into Cas' shoulders whilst Cas stuck his nose in Dean's hair smelling the most wondrous scent that he had ever smelt, Dean's individual scent.

After about a half hour Cas suddenly stopped. "Dean, i have such a small grasp on human emotion i have spent around about 5 years as your... with you as my charge, you know i have watched humanity befor but over this time one thing i think i understand is love, and as long as my judgement is correct, Dean Winchester, son of Mary and John Winchester, brother to Samuel winchester, and boyfriend to me Castiel Novak. hunter of all things supernatural. i love you," he whispered, "i love you. I LOVE YOU DEAN! "Cas shouted and Dean smiled so much he thought his face would split, "I LOVE YOU TOO FEATHERS, " Dean called Cas by the nickname he had coined when they had first stared to work together.

The confession spurred things on a bit and they couple picked up pace both coming close to climax Cas begged Dean to touch him so Dean grabbed a hold of Cas' twitching cock and began to pump it gently whilst not so gently pounding into Cas' ass. Cas was shouting at the top of his lungs with every bounce, " I LOVE YOU DEAN, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU DEAN," until he reached the point of climax and it came out almost like a strangled whisper, "I..l-ughhhh, youuu" seeing Cas come apart. quite literally. Made Dean come inside Cas but instead of saying the words i love you Cas, he just shouted, "MARRY ME! " and Cas in a post orgasmic glow whispered in Dean's ear, "yes! "

The boys didn't get up until a while later, when the dryer began to beep telling them that their bed sheets were clean, they stripped the bed of the current sheets grabbed a quick shower together and then fell back into bed wrapped in each others arms once it was remade.

The clock on the television said it was two o'clock, Bobby was, according to Cas, going to ring at half past. They had a half hour to finally decide where they were headed. Both men were sat on the sofa, Cas on one end with a cup of tea and Dean was on the other end with coffee. they sat so their feet were tangled together and they faced each other.

Both of them were quietly content, Dean had popped the question by accident but he didn't regret it, Cas had agreed to marry Dean and he didnt regret it. They both knew what was going to happen and they had basically promised to stand by one another no matter the outcome.

When the phone rang Dean calmly stood up put his empty cup down and picked up the phone.

"Dean?" asked Bobby. Dean looked at Cas and he nodded, "Its both of us Bobby your on speaker, cas is next to me." there was an audible sigh in the back round and as and Dean chuckled, "It seems we are too, Hi! Sammy, I'm missing you. Hello Haniel." Said Cas. Dean reached out for Cas' hand and he squeezed it. "Uh, well i don't really know if this is even going to come out right..." Dean hesitated and they could hear whispers on the other end of the line, Sam was the one to speak up. "well that's worrying.. you haven't broke Cas or something like that have you Dean?" Cas began laughing, a proper laugh one that left him clutching his stomach by the time he finished, "quite the opposite Sam." Bobby's gruff voice came through the receiver, "Care to explain boys i'm getting confused we are meant to be talking about what we are going to do about the impending doom and you idjits are being all gigly and secretive!" Dean stared into Cas' eyes as he said to his family and the other angel, "the thing is, I asked Cas to marry me and he agreed. so, you can take it as a unanimous agreement Haniel will be the one to remove Castiels' grace."

There was silence.

Then Sam spoke up, " You better have done all nice and romantic Dean or i will come and kick your ass!" cas winked at Dean, "Sam, you do not want to know how Dean proposed, just know this he is more red than a beetroot right now. Surprisingly Bobby was the first to get it, god only knows if Haniel understood, and bobby just said, "Guys I support you and all but please leave me out of your sex life." Everyone was laughing, it was a joyous noise, it was what everyone needed.
Laughter cleanses the soul, it makes them shine.

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