I Have Missed You

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god i miss you, i really miss you

i miss your eyes and

their little crinkles at the edges

i miss how dark they get right before

you kiss me and when you kiss me

i miss how your arms get really tight

around my ribcage

and my back and my waist

and i miss how your thumbs

run across my face when you

play with my hair and i miss

how safe and comfortable i feel

in your arms and i miss

your fingertips tracing patterns

over my own fingertips

and i miss your voice and

please don't even get me started

on your laugh and the way you

make me laugh and how

you like it when you make me laugh

and i miss laughing together

i miss overwhelming you with

how much i love you until you blush

and i miss watching dumb movies

with you and i miss holding

your hands when we're on roller

coasters and i miss how you

make fun of the fact that i never

get scared and i miss

everything about you

PoésieWhere stories live. Discover now