Drug-Induced Haze

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golden mornings spent

your forehead on mine thoughts think through thought

warm yellow ivory you're a sunbeam

my thoughts travel up your torso and

fall to rest in the hollows beneath your collarbones

my lips will follow them up

the canopy bed's curtains are hard to see

the haze of smoke and sex make it impossible

to see anything save your eyes

warmth radiates from your skin

are you sunburned, you're burning me!

set me aflame with the ashes of the joint from last night

i never wanted to be on fire

but this is surely a nice kind of burn

crimson embers are digging into my skin

bite down, lock your jaw around my shoulder

it's nice, this flame and blood

pain is good when it's from you

even heartbreak feels nice

when you're the mercury delivering it

wings sprout from my shoulder blades

when your stomach presses against the hollow

between my hipbones

they're prominent again; not like before

this time i skip the food

because you are the only sustenance i need

you and this golden morning

PoésieWhere stories live. Discover now