How to Be Sure That You Love Him

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1.) does he fascinate you? is every word he says mesmerizing to you–is it impossible for you to get enough when he laughs, when he tells jokes, when he's crying? do you wish you knew every little detail about his life, from the color of his toothbrush to his shoe size?

2.) what would you do for him? would you give away all of your earthly possessions to kiss his lips, just once? would you devote every moment of your life to him? would you throw yourself in front of a moving train to stop it from hitting him?

3.) do you love his faults, his flaws? how do you feel about the gaps between his front teeth; the thick, unruly hair of his eyebrows? does his subtle lisp, or the way he chews his fingernails make you happy?

4.) does he trust you? can he tell you anything? when did he finally open up to you and let you see past the cocky, overconfident exterior to the shy, insecure little boy inside? can you successfully calm him down when he's scared? can he do the same for you?

5.) do you tell him that you love him enough? do you remind him every night before he falls asleep and every morning when he wakes up? does he spell it out over text–no abbreviations, just the words? does he know that you would do anything for him?

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