The Burden Begins

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"Caitlyn wake up" April said "Five more minutes, I couldn't sleep last night cause of the movie" I said groggly. "Caitlyn the guys are back" she told me, knowing I would jump up at this, which is just what I did. "Where are they" I asked her quickly "Up stairs" she replied, at first I was confused, but when I looked around I saw I was at Casey's grandmom's farmhouse. Right away I bolted up the steps to the attic to just find my bros asleep & bandaged up "Well at least there alive" I muttered to myself & I noticed Leo wasn't sleeping, but at the window. "Hey Leo," I said as perky as I could get "Leo, you ok bro" I asked more worry in my voice this time, but he turned towards me & the happy face I normally see when any of them looks at me wasn't there. "Hey Caitlyn" was all he said as he went back to looking out the window. I was a little scared to see him act like this, it wasn't the Leo I was use to being around, he was darker, sounded more agressive, & worst was when I looked into his eyes I didn't see Leo, but instead I saw nothingness, pain, anguish, & a burden bigger than I ever thought was possible for anyone to hold.

I sat on one of the beds that were in the attic, possibly the one Leo had, while he looked out the window "Leo come on bro sit down & relax you gotta heal from the fight, all of you do" I finally pleaded to him, but all he did was stand looking out the window, saying nothing, not even moving. "Caitlyn just give it up Leo ain't gonna listen to anyone" Raph told me "But Raph" I began to say "Raph's right Caitlyn just calm down give Leo some time to relax & things will be back to normal in no time" Donny said calmly trying to get me to relax. Nothing they said helped though & I just stormed off down stairs leaving them all confused & guilt eating at me "Why did I listen to them I should've went when April said the ground was opening I COULD'VE HELPED THEM DAMN IT" I yelled at myself when I was outside. By the time I was back at the farmhouse I saw Leo at the downstairs window & when I walked to everyone attacked me with questions "Where the shell where you!" Mikey asked "We've been worried sick Caitlyn are you ok?" Donny asked & finally Raph of all people asked "Why'd ya just storm off like that Caitlyn" I just silently walked by them & went upstairs to where my bros, Master Splinter, & I would stay till they healed. As I layed my head down on a bed I heard the guys talking "Is she ok" "What happened when she left" "You think we did something to make her upset" that's all I heard as they pondered over why I had a sudden change of attitude. Eventually I choose to meditate to think, but when I heard them coming up I rushed to the bed I was on earlier & pretended to be asleep, they bought it & went to bed themselves. When I was possitive that they where all asleep I got up & walked to the window next to Leo "You should get some rest" I said to him but my voice sounded a bit different, not like me at all, all Leo did was look out the window still staring at nothing & that's all I did, until the sun came up, as well.

The morning started like any other & at night the guys & I went outside near a mini camp fire. Leo & I sat next to eachother on one log, & the others sat alone on the other three logs, I was quite the entire time they talked, listening to my music, The End by Simple Plan had just ended & I was now listen to The Voice Within by Christina Aguilera. "Whatcha listening to Caitlyn" Mikey asked me, I held up my MP3 player & showed him not wanting to speak. "Come on stop actin' all moody, like Leo, sis" Mikey said in his joking voice trying to ruffle my hair, but I moved to quickly for him & he was shocked because I'd never done that before. "You ok Caitlyn" it was Donny that asked this "I'm fine" I said roughly & orbed into the woods without another word said, leaving my brothers deeply worried, but I didn't want to hear the worry in their voices when I was to worried for them. When I rematerialized in the woods the next song was on so I quietly sung along "I wanna start by letting you know this because of you my life has a purpose you helped me be who I am today I see myself in every word you say sometimes it feels like nobody gets me trapped in a world were everyone hates me theres so much that I'm going through I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, I was broken I was choken I was lost this song saved my life I was bleedin' stopped believin' could've died this song saved my life I was down I was drowning but it came on just in time this song saved my life" I sang along with Simple Plan, one of my favorite bands. I looked up to see a shooting star, but I didn't wish on it as I saw it turn indicating that it wasn't one then I realized something "I shouldn't be mad or guilty I should be trying to help Leo with his guilt, I wouldn't have been able to change anything anyway just prolong it, that was the destiny," I sighed then added to myself "Just like this is what has to happen to Leo." I looked up at the sky & orbed to San Fransisco into the home of my previous mentors in the art of magic "MELINDA" I yelled & she came down with her brothers Wyatt & Chris right behind her "Duck" Chris said & a demon shimmered in as I dived. You see Melinda is one of the legendary Charmed Ones', the three most powerful witches in the world, children & her brother Wyatt's just as powerful; Chris is like me, but they also didn't know about Keira, Pandora, & me being witches that are as strong as them. Keira had the same powers as Prue, their oldest aunt before she died & became a whitelighter.

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