Charmed One Only

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"So you, Keira, & Pandora were all Prue's charges & you all made your own 'friendship' power of three & you think a demon may have cast a spell to change you, am I getting this right" Melinda asked me. "Ya, oh & Melinda I might have left out one tiny detail" I said nervously "What is it" she asked me "Um I think it'd be easier to just show you" I told her, just getting a confused look in return "Ugh, look just throw something in the air, ok" "Ok" Melinda said nervously & tossed up a pillow. I flew my hands up, freexing the pillow mid-fall, leaving everyone shocked. "Caitlyn how do you have Pandora's powers" Prue asked me "That's what I'm trying to tell you our bond & spell to ensure it, & fyi a powerful spell, was to give us eachothers powers when one of us died so if I died my powers would've split up into Keira & Pandora" I explain "but since they, you know, I got their powers, I think, I mean I didn't try all of their powers, ok who's radiating shocked & sadness towards me" I said looking around & now they were all shocked. "Look I gotta get home Melinda so I'll come by tomorrow, k" I asked her. "Um, Caitlyn, you do realize that you look like a turtle, right, how are ya going to explain this to your mom" Chris asked me. I started to say something, but Piper cut in "Caitlyn" she said "Ya" I asked nervous "Look I'm sorry that Keira & Pandora died, but your a charmed one alone, you have the power of three in you, maybe you can reverse the spell by yourself now" she said, I thought about it for a while, it did make sense, I turned to Chris "Chris don't worry I'm gonna orb home, to my brothers" I said, then I turned to Piper Melinda "I'll cast the spell again ok" I asked her, they nodded. "I swear I'll orb over tomorrow & if I don't have Prue sense for me" I told them before orbing off.

When the orbs left me I was surrounded by darkness "Perfect" I thought, happy "now time to cast the spell, let it show the real me let it be for all to see let my family see the real me so mote it be." When I finished white lights, from the spell, surrounded me & when I looked down I was human again! I ran straight for the farmhouse, a huge grin stuck on my face "Hey guys miss me" I said, they all turned around, to see my human figure, all at once started to question me & see if I was ok. "Guys I'm fine chill" I told them, using my new empathy power to know how they felt, a sad look on my face & questioning looks fell onto their faces again "Caitlyn where've you been" Don asked me "I went to see Keira & Pandora" I told him, tears finding their way to my eyes, but didn't fall. "How are they, you said that you haven't seen them since we all found eachother again" he asked, not yet noticing the tears "Guys their" I couldn't finish the sentence & the tears came out, just as they had when I saw their crippled, lifeless bodies, as I fell to the ground. By this time I was barely breathing cause of how much I was crying, I rarely showed my emotions to anyone, the only time they'd see me breaking down is if they walked in on it. "Come on, Caitlyn, just relax it'll be ok" they told me & I calmed down a little bit. When I looked to my left I saw Raph & punched his shoulder as hard as I could in this state "WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he yelled "That" I said "is for not believing me when I was a turtle" "Wait so that was you" they all asked me, I gave a small nod to them. "Well now that we know it really was you, what did you mean when you screamed teenage mutant ninja turtles" Raph questioned me "Um, well, ya see, the thing is" I started, unsure of how to explain this to them, but before I made a fool out of myself I said "it's easier tah show ya, cell phone" & my cell was in my hand in seconds. "I thought ya were gonna explain, Caitlyn, not goof off on yer phone" Raph said "Um Raph that's what I'm doing" I told him, having a little aditude "Ok season one, episode nineteen, Tales Of Leo" I said aloud, causing glances, but I ingored them. I snapped my fingers near my cell then in the air, making a holo-tv type of thing "Watch" I simply said, playing the episode, the one I watched when the demon took me, I wasn't gonna tell them about the show until we lived everthing, let alone how they have over two-million fans, some write fanfiction storied about them, have crushed or are in love with them, I blushed at this seeing as how when I was younger I had a huge crush on Leo & now that I know he's my brother. Then there were the outfits, holloween costumes, comic books, Mikey would want them all I just know it, action figures, movies, the list would never end!

When the episode finally ended I was bombed with questions again like 'when did it come out' 'why didn't you tell us sooner' 'how are we living it' & 'how' I anwsered each one with complete honesty. "It came out two days after my fifth birthday so February eighth two thousand three, I don't know how or how we're living it & I didn't tell ya sooner cause of complications" I said "What kinda 'complications' are you talking about Caitlyn" Donny asked "Simple, Donny, you guys would try to change your future, but it'll change for the worst not the better, trust me I tried & Leo could've died cause of it" I said, sighing & ducking my head. "What did ya try yah change" Raph asked "That's not fer meh tah tell Raph, you might figure it out later in life" I told him, sad I couldn't tell them their futures, but glad that they knew about the show of them now. I felt as if a huge weight was taken off of my shoulders.

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