A Birthday To Watch

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  • Dedicated to Charmed episode (Where I got the spell)

I gave a long yawn as I woke up & strenched "Someone had a good night I see" a laughing voice said. I turned my head & saw Mikey "Hey Mike" I said with a tired smile "Hey sissy" "Hey I am not a sissy" I said with a laugh, with Mikey ruffled my hair "Come on the others said to bring you somewhere when you woke up" he said. "Mikey don't you know what day it is" I asked "February six" he said "Yeah, but what else" I pressed "Um, monday" he guessed "Shesh Mike, it's my birthday today" I told him "not to mention the first one we've spent together in, oh I don't know, eight years, this is speacial" "Well let's go then" he said, pulling me outta bed while I tried to tackle him for fun. "Come on we should go meet up with everyone else" I told him while getting up. "No, first ya gotta get changed, I'll wait outside your door" he said quickly, running out of the room & I swore I heard chanting, but I ignored it & got dressed. The outfit I picked out was for spring, but seeing as this winter it didn't snow it was fine & casual. I got out of my night gown & shorts & put on a short sleeve shirt & caprees.

"Guys she's up" Mikey said, running into the room. "Good, should we try that spell she wrote us, you know so she can see if it works" Raph asked "Yeah, I don't really understand how we can cast it, but if she thinks it will then" Donny added "Then let's get started" Leo stated. "I call upon the acient powers to mask us now & in future hours hide us well & thoroughly, but not from those we call family" they chanted, while thinking of a human look for the first & last time. Leo had brown hair & the same hazel eyes, while he wore a casual outfit & blue shirt. Don had brown hair & brown eyes, also wearing a casual outfir, but a purple shrit. Raph had black hair & green eyes, wearing a punk kinda outfit, a red top. Finally Mikey had blonde hair with hair with blue eyes, wearing everyday clothes, with an orange t-shirt. All of them had long enough hair that went in their eyes, they had muscles & they stayed 5'2 still. "Woah, that was awsome, let's do it again" Mikey said, excited.

"Mikey, guys, where are you" I said loudly & I looked down for who knows why, ut I saw arrows, so I followed them.

"Of course, pitch black room" I mumbled & I started looking for a light switch, but before I could find one the lights went on. "Surprise" everyone shouted & I noticed party decorations everywhere "Guys" I asked quietly & four, human, teen boys stepped up. "Sweet spell ya wrote, huh" the black haired boy said "Deffinately Caitlyn" the blonde said "Not to mention figuring out how to get us to be able to cast the spell" one brunette said "Happy birthday" the last of the boys said & all of them had a smile for me. "The spell worked" I asked "Yup" they said, over joyed that I was with my family again, espeacially on this day. "Well two things for sure" I said "What's that" they asked "One I figured Mikey would be a blonde" I said, laughing "& two, I kinda regret giving you guys that spell" "Oh & why's that" "Oh just the fact that if we ever go topside tons of girls will be drooling over you guys" I said with a smile, getting four back, then shared a hug with each of them. "So what're the plans for today" I asked "Well we were gonna walk around the city for a while, then do whatever you wanted to" "Sweet, but first & for most is who's who" I said, just getting grins towards me. The blonde came over to me & messed with my hair "Mikey" I warned "What" he asked "I knew you were you" I said "Bonehead" the black haired one said "Raph" I asked pointing to him & got a nod. "Ok well I'm gonna go meditate for a bit" I said "I'll join you" the one brunette said "Leo" I smiled & got one back "How'd you guess" he asked "Simple, out of all four of you, your the only one that'll meditate by choice" I explained "So your the last one Don" I said & got him smiling "You alway were smart Caitlyn" Donny said "Well I get my brains from you Donny" I smiled at my now human brothers & they smiled back. "So we leaving to walk 'round the city or what" I asked & after we told sensei what we'd be doing we left.

Being able to walk in Central Park with my bros was the best, because as far as anyone knew, we were just a normal family or a normal group of friends. It was, nice, to say the least & we had a great time, but I wanted to have a little marathon, the guys agreed & we were all excited. So here we were, in the new lair getting ready to watch the movies & episodes.

8 hours later

We watched the entire first season, thanks to the tapes, & I shocked the guys at some points by saying what they would say or have my eyes closed & tell them the episode name oh & I made bets with them, needless to say I got a ton of money. "So watchcha think, all of that aired when I was five" I said, with a hint of pride in my voice. "What was the last episode you watched here" Mikey asked me "Um, episode nineteen, Tales of Leo" I said, looking down "guys I don't know how I'll be able to fight Alocer" "Come on he can't be that strong" Raph said "Raph he wiped you four outta my mind, demons work for him, the shocker demon worked for him & the day we met he sent the shocker demon to kill me because he knew I'd become a strong witch & didn't need a threat" I said "Wait shocker demon" Mikey asked "The demon you guys saved me from when I was three & that put Leo & me into a semi-coma" I explained to him & sighed "guys Alocer took me at five so that he could raise me to be evil" I added, scared "Caitlyn that's not gonna happen you have us" "I know".

A/N: The picture on the side is the guys in their human forms. Just picture how I discribed them & Donny doesn't have glasses.

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