Somethings Not Right

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"What were you thinking Caitlyn" yup I was being lectured by Leo & Raph for lying to them & getting injured because of it, so why they yelled Donny stitched me up. "I was thinking that I was pissed off & I needed to calm down so I did it the best way I knew how, I don't see a problem with that" I told them as calmly as I could, but I hated getting lectured, when I said that all hell broke loose & if I thought that they were mad before then I was in big trouble now. "YOU DIDN'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH IT" they screamed "CAITLYN YOU COULD'VE DIED BECAUSE YOU LET YOUR ANGER GET A HOLD OF YOU & YOU DON'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH THAT" "No I didn't, & only because I didn't want to take my anger out on Piper, Pheobe, Paige, my whitelighter, or you guys, because I'm sorry your all I have" I said, starting to struggle with my temper. "YOU HAVE YOUR MOM & FRIENDS" Raph screamed, still ticked, but Leo calmed down so Raph was the only one lecturing me "Ya Raph I may have them, but not for magical things because it'd put them at risk, the only reason I told you guys is because you saw me using them" I said to him, my temper going back to normal. He saw that there was no winning this fight, since my mind was made up, so he stomped off to his punching bag to release his anger. "Look I'm sorry, I really am, but it was kill demons or destroy everything I have, I was going with the option that has less demons at the end of the day" I told Leo, complete honesty in my voice "Caitlyn it's not that, it's the fact that you lied to us to us, why were you so mad anyway" he asked "Can I explain tomorrow, I'm really tired right now, I swear we'll talk" "Ok, but let Donny finish stitching up your wounds" "No need to wait, watch this" I said before every wound glowed. "How'd you do that" Donny asked "My powers Donny, remember one of them was healing, I can heal myself as long as the injury was cause magically or if magic was somehow involved" I explained "Ok now that's cool sis" Mikey said with a grin "Thanks Mikey, but really it's nothin' special bro, just a power right" I said as if this was a normal thing. I told them why I made sure the bug scratched me & the two most likely transformations "How can you be so sure about those transformations Caitlyn" Don asked "Well I'm not, but I just have this feeling it's gonna be one of those two, I mean I'm always in the dark & I love the water, on top of the fact that I've turned into both before" I told him "being a mermaid was the best though" "How'd you turn into those" Raph asked "Oh ya know mostly a scratch, well except the mermaid that was a spell, oh & the one I cast so I could find a sucubus ,which by the way, turned me into a guy, the last one was a bite" "Shesh sis, how many things did'ja turn into" Mikey asked. "Well one guy, one mermaid, & four demons, all but the vampire I got a scratch" I told them & then spent half an hour explaining those stories. "Do you guys wanna know what Donny would've turned into" I asked "Yes" they said, even Donny.

After watching the three episodes of Donny's transformation I looked at them. "Guys if it comes down to that, to going to Bishop, do or say anything, but please don't take the amulet, trust me" I told them "Caitlyn if it comes down to our only option we will" Don said "Bargain my powers if you have to, just don't take it, I know what I'm talking about" I told him. We all gave a sigh "There's no point in, arguing things will happen the way it'd meant to" I said, voicing my thoughts, but not meaning to "How about we all go topside for a while to relax" Leo suggested "Sure, after all I'm gonna be stuck down here for a while after I change, a little fresh air neva hurt anyone" I said, yes I showed them the begining of the whole Ninja Tribunal, but not the whole episode.

"I bet I can beat you guys to third & second" I yelled behind me to everyone, but Mikey who was right next to me, I was now in turtle form "Your on sis" they shouted back & we all picked up the pace. "Wanna make a bet Mike" I asked "What kind" he asked "If I beat you ya gotta buy us all ice cream" "Your so on sis" he said giving me a huge grin. I lept over a building to the next, but before I could land it something like a wave went through me & the building was gone.

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