An Old Life

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  • Dedicated to Alexis

It had been one whole month since they were sent home, back to being safe, & I was down in the underworld once again, just becoming more aggressive, brutal, mercessly, my only cling to my old self was the thoughts of them. Zankow came a time or two, seeing how much evil over took me & he was pleased that I would slowly, but soon, become evil, my powers would be the last thing to turn evil.

Now I was on a mission to find the Kazi demons who, at the moment, were in Manhattan. I got out my map & crystal & started scrying for them "Madison Square Garden, of course, tons of humans to kill" I said, packing back up & running rooftop to rooftop until Zankow appeared in front of me in flames. "Ah Caitlyn what a pleasure to see the little witch-demon again, Alocer said you were on a mission & I want you to get a foothold here in New York" he said "Fine" I said through gritting teeth, annoyed that my mission was interupted, but Zankow left pleased with my answer.

In the distance I saw Madison Square Garden & eight figures so I ran harder & reconized five of the figures "Let others see what will not be make a disguise that's perfect for me" I chanted & I knew my form already, a turtle. "Another little freak to die tonight" one demon said "Not likely" I said back coldly. Each demon tossed a fire ball so I lept into the air & orbed behind them "Oh boys didn't you eveer learn not to play with fire, it could kill ya" I said using my powers to stab each one with an athame. "Caitlyn, is that you" one of the figures left said, but my back was truned & I clenched an athame in my right hand as if an assassin would. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I spun around, doing a quick leg sweep & in seconds I was on the person's chest, athame at their throat. "Caitlyn chill it's us" one figure, that was standing, said "Stay right where you are" I growled "That suppose to be a challenge" the other figure said "Your no threat to me" I said, getting off the one figure "What happened to you Caitlyn" the figure I was on asked "What're you talking about" I questioned coldly "Do you even remember us" they all asked this time, sounding upset "Look just come back with us & we'll explain, please" one of them said "Fine, but try anything funny & your gonna wish you never met me" I told them.

We walked down a manhole & into the sewers, for some reason I felt protected, Alocer erased just my memories of what my brothers looked like, but these turtles couldn't be them. I look like a turtle when I cast the disguise spell so it might be possible, but the only way I would know forsure is if they could tell me things about my brothers that only I'd know. "Oh crap I'm still in turtle form" I thought "Caitlyn are you ok" the turtle with a red mask asked me "Why are you three so concerned about me" I asked, sincerly curious as to why they were being kind. "You really don't remember" he asked & sighed "Caitlyn we're your bros" the orange masked turtle said "What" I asked, starting to see black "We're your" I blacked out.

"Is she ok" "Donny get her up" "I'm trying Raph & Mikey she's fine" I was hearing "Huh, uh, what happened" I said jolting up onto my feet "Relax Caitlyn, you blacked out when Mikey told you we're your brothers" the purple masked turtle said. I started to feel dissy, but even before I had a chance to fall all three turtles had a hold of me to keep me up "Slow down, what're you try'na do to your self sis" "Stop calling me that, I don't even know you guys" I said "plus if you really are my brothers you could prove it" "Ok then test us" the red masked one said "How'd I meet them & when did they stay at a friend's grandmom's farmhouse" I questioned "We met while fight Foot ninjas & we were at Casey's grandmom's farmhouse after our final battle with the Shredder, healing" the purple one said.

An alarm went off & everyone, including me, froze till it stopped. "That shouldn't happen" the purple masked turtle, who I cam to find out was Donatello, said "if something triggers the perimeter alarm it should keep ringing until I turn it off, it's not suppose to turn off by itself, unless someone just deactivated our outter alarm system" "What do you mean Donny" I asked, but the ground started shaking underneath us. "Um, what is that" Mikey asked, as the lair shook with a loud bang & Klunk, Mikey's cat, came over to "What ever it is it's coming throught the front door" Raph said & we saw the door getting taken off it's hatches. I felt a strong need to protect everyone, it looks like my mortal self didn't leave me after all. Ninjas all came rushing in & someone said something, but I didn't hear it as I was consintrating on the memories that flooded my mind.

It was my brothers. It was the turtles that I was with right now. We were all talking & laughing, having a great time it looked like, but there was a fourth turtle with a blue mask "Where's he been" I wondered. That's when I saw it, me. I'd never seen myself as a turtle before. Then the scene changed & we were all bonding, watching a show about them.

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