Family Drama

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I orbed right outside Alexis' room "Alexis I'm here" I said after knocking, she came out & we went downstairs where I heard a man's voice arguing with a female, whom I'm assuming is Alexis' mom. "No we agreed that I raise her" "Look she's my daughter too, I haven't seen her since see was five" I heard & my blood ran cold, or rather colder considering I'm part mutant turtle. "We said that to protect her from the Source, your father" "Who's dead, the Charmed Ones vanquished him three years ago, I'm the new Source" the man said. "Alexis we gotta go" I said "Wha, why" she asked "Remember Alocer" "If you mean do I remember you telling us about him, then yes" she said, I nodded my head & orbed us to the lair.

"Leo, Donny, Raph, Mikey, get in here fast" I yelled & they all rushed in faster than Mikey eating a pizza. Alexis looked surprised "Alexis these are my brothers" I told her "You would be related to turtles" she said & I had to have had a look of shock like the guys. "How'd ya know what we are" Raph asked as they went turtle form, from their human forms "I don't know, somehow I saw your auras" she said slowly. I had the least shocked face in the room "I think your getting a new power Alexis & a unique one at that" I said, having a smile now. Alexis grinned "If I do, yer right about that, this is cool" she said & looked at me "Um ok weird, Caitlyn you have multiple auras" "I do" this was a shock, I thought I'd only have one aura. "Yeah, ya do, you have a witch aura, a whitelighter aura, a mortal aura, & the same as yer brothers" she said "Ok just a little bit creepy" I said & turned my head to look at the guys. "We're gonna go train our powers, ok" I asked "Where are you going" Raph asked "To the dojo hothead" I said in a mocking voice "Leo junior" he muttered, causing me to smile. "Thanks for the compliment bro" I said sweetly, knowing that'd get on his nerves, he growled & I laughed. "So ya ready Alexis" I asked "Yeah, I've been ready" she replied "Guys ya wanna watch how a witch trains" I asked them "You bdt you shell we wanna see" Mikey said. Alexis looked confused by that statement, but shuggedd it off cause my brother were turtles, & we all went to the dojo.

"Ready for a magic battle guys" I asked as Alexis & I got ready "Caitlyn are ya gonna fight or talk" Raph asked "Fight, but first you four need a sheild" I said & used my powers to put one around them. "Oh come on sis" "Mikey this fights gonna go everywhere & powers will be flying, it's safty precautions" I said & they all looked like they were gonna argue "Don't even say I'm a worry-wort because you four sent me to school to protect me" I scold them. "Come on Caitlyn it's gonna be midnight by the time we start at this rate" Alexis complained "Alright we'll start; Leo on yer que" I said. "Now" Raph said before Leo could even open his mouth to say something.

Alexis used tellekinesis & threw me against the wall, I smiled & orbed behind her, giving a sharp roundhouse kick to her gut & orbed again. She used her powers again & again, tossing things that I blew up. She was getting angry, fast, & even I couldn't of predicted what happened next. Alexis raised her hand to use tellekinesis, but instead a fire ball appeared, she didn't notice & threw the fire ball at me! I froze, shocked that she had a demonic power & apparently so was she, when seeing what she did. The fire ball hit my stomach, causing it to bleed, & the sheild around the guys came down. Alexis ran towards me, freaking out "Don't even think about going near our sister" Raph growled, pulliing out his sais "Raph don't, she's still a witch" I gasped, the pain was too much. Leo, Don, & Mikey were at my sides instantly trying & stop the bleeding because the blood was coming out fast "Mikey get the first-aid kit, NOW" Leo commanded, pain crossing his voice. I heard & saw Alexis scream as she went up in flames, not being vanquished, but summond by a powerful demon, by her dad, by Alocer. Raph walked over to us just as Mikey ran in with the first-aid kit & tossed it to Don, who immediatly got to work stitching my wound up, but I was in too much pain & I succumbed to the darkness.

A/N- Ok guys I hate to say it, but the story is coming to an end. We have one more chapter & I'd like to know what you thought of the story. Don't worry I didn't forget Alocer ;D yet. I'm going to have a second book to continue our little demon friend, but did you figure out why he took Caitlyn all those years ago. Is it the reason she said in earlier chapters or something else >:D I guess you'll have to see.

Magic, Witch Craft, Long Lost Brothers (TMNT/Charmed)Where stories live. Discover now