Infected Part 1

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"Hey guys what's up" I said walking in the room "Nothin, just getting ready to go get stuff for the new lair" Donny said "Hey Caitlyn you wanna come help me mess with Raphy boy" Mikey asked "Gee Mikey as fun as that sounds I'm gonna pass" I said "but I'll come help you guys if ya want" "Why would we said no to that, you were taken fer a month & you don't expect us to want ya 'round" Raph said "Heh, I guess that's a yes" I said.

"Just relax, you can stop it from happening" I thought as I helped Raph on look out duty. After Leo fought Karai, the night he came back, she's sent foot ninjas out to look for us relentlessly, but mostly me, because of this the guys started to teach me ninjistu, well mostly Leo & Master Splinter. I was coming along pretty fast for a beginer & even started to train with weapons, best at a Katana & Bo Staff though.

Raph pulled me with him into the shadows, then pointed up & I saw foot ninja leap over the roof. We came out when the coast was clear "Damn it" "Caitlyn you ok" Donny asked "No, I should've been paying attention instead I was distracted, unfocused, & lost in thought & we could've been caught cause of my foolishness" I said with my head down at the end. "Caitlyn it's not yer fault" Raph said "It would've been if we were spotted Raph" I said & orbed next to Leo just as he told everyone that someone was coming. I told them I'd catch up in a minute.

A truck pulled up & I rushed over when the two men came out. "Sir you can't go down there" I said, interupting their chat "Oh & whys that kid" the larger of them asked "One I'm not a kid & two it's dangerous" I quickly said "Yeah well it's our job, not that you'd understand a responsiblity" he said & my blood started to boil "I've seen more things then even you can imagine" I growled & ran off so I could orb to my bros.

"Back" I said once I remateralized & the guys turned around "So what did you have to do" Raph asked as we walked "Doesn't matter, it didn't work so I'm at plan B" I said. "Caitlyn what's going on" Leo asked in a stern voice "I'll explain if I can't stop it, anyway what were you four talkin' about before little ole me orbed in" I asked "Room assignment & Mike won't stop complaining" Raph said. "I still don't see why we have to be so hasty with the room assignments" he complained "That's cause you got the smallest one" Raph mocked. Mikey was quiet after that & only because he couldn't complain about Leo having the largest room seeing as it was my room too. "How 'bout we freak Mike out Raphy" I whispered in his ear & got a thumbs up. I mumbled a quick spell & a plate of food appeared, Mikey quickly saw it & dove, we were all a little hungry right now since we missed dinner, but he didn't grab anything. "Guys I think we're in another Utrom memory" Mikey said, panic in his voice, but me & Raph started laughing uncontrolably & the others looked at us extreamly confused. "It's not funny Caitlyn" Mikey said "Mikey, you bonehead, it's a spell I cast to scare ya" I laughed, but snapped my fingers & the fake food vanished. "Not cool sis" he said "Are you kidding, yer face was priceless Mikey" I said, now calmed down "Yeah hardy har" he said "Oh chill Mike it was harmless" I said patting his shell "so is this spell" & I cast the disguise spell, which I never did infront of them. "Hey Caitlyn" "Ya Donny" "Did you know your shell had a heart on it" he asked "Um yeah, it's always been there, I don't know how I got it though" I said as we walked some more, that was untill a can fell. Donny pointed his flashlight up & time seemed to go by fast after that, so fast that soon we were fighting giant, mutated, ticks!

"Wait is this your nightmare or mine" Mikey asked Raph, who was next to him, until a tick pushed him into the wall "Deffinatly mine, it's bugs, I hate bugs" Raph said, forcing the tick off of him. "What I wouldn't do for a gaint can of bug spray right now" I said before I threw a tick away, that was pinning me to the ground. "Well Leo, your all enlightened, what's the plan" Mikey asked "Simple & uncomplicated, run" Leo said as he turned & started to run, all of us right behind him, while the ticks started chasing us.

We got into another larger part of the sewer & more bugs came, the guys didn't know what was going on, but I did. A blue human type bug came in when we beat the other ones & I knew two things. One this was the guy that I tried to warn & two I had to stay with Donny. I froze time & ran over to him, then unfroze time. Apperently they, Mikey & Donny, were talking about the creature before time stopped. "Guys he is, or was, human" I quickly said. We fought against this mutated human before I felt a feiry pain on my right leg & fell, going under a blanket of darkness. My only thoughts were what I would turn into so that I could warn the others. I was either gonna be a mermaid or vampire, I figured before the darkness covered me completely.

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