Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.
Chase's POV.
Pain. Emotionally and physically. That is all I could feel. I hated Adam. I know that I should never say that about my siblings, but I think he hated me also. Why else would he beat me up? I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Davenport above my head.
"Chase! Your awake!" Mr. Davenport said in surprise.
"Are you mad that I'm awake?" I asked.
"No. I just expected you to still be asleep." Mr. Davenport explained.
Then I started coughing hard.
"Take it easy Chase. Your right lung is collapsed. Just breath." Mr. Davenport said.
I stopped coughing a few seconds later and Mr. Davenport made sure that the oxygen mask was on correctly.
"What exactly happened?" I asked.
"Adam dislocated your shoulder, punched you in the chest hard enough to make your lung collapse and he broke your cheekbone. He also threw you into a wall." Mr. Davenport explained.
"That explains why I'm so sore." I realized out loud.
"Chase. I'm gonna give you some pain killers that'll make you tired, ok?" Mr. Davenport asked.
I nodded and Mr. Davenport inserted the syringe into my arm. I immediately started getting tired and fell asleep.
Three weeks later.
I was good to go. I grabbed my stuff and since my family normally walked, I took the bus. I did not want to get hurt by Adam. I got off and ran into the building before Adam could see me. The first few classes without trouble, but gym didn't go well.
"Come on! Let's go slow pokes!" Trent yelled.
I saw one of the girls trip and I went over and helped her up.
"Thanks." She said as she left.
Then Trent came over to me.
"Hey Trent." I managed to say without freaking out.
"What are you doing Not-Dooley? Because it doesn't look like gym." Trent said.
Then he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the middle of the room.
"I have a announcement. We're playing dodgeball, but everyone throws the balls, and Not-Dooley has to dodge." Trent said.
I wanted to protest, but Trent was in charge. My classmates started throwing the balls, luckily, I was able to dodge almost all of them. Almost. One hit me in the chest hard and I was still recovering from a collapsed lung. I fell on the ground and started coughing hard. The girl I helped earlier asked if I was ok, but I couldn't quit coughing to answer.
"I've told you over and over Trent. This was bound to happen, but you wouldn't listen to me." The girl said with pure anger in her voice.
"Shut up Macy! Just because your my sister does not mean you can boss me around!" Trent yelled.
"I may be your younger sister, but I am a lot smarter then you. If you don't want me to tell mom, I suggest you help me get him to the nurse's office." The girl, Macy, said.
"Fine!" Trent yelled pulling me off the ground and shoving me into Macy's arms.
"That's not what I hoped for, but better then nothing." Macy said as she sorta dragged me to the nurse's office.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I was rushing to the high school. Tasha just got a call from the nurse about one of my kids and I was hoping that Adam hadn't hurt Chase again. I had just gotten to the school and I went into the school. I was met with worried glances from Bree and Leo. Adam and Chase were nowhere to be seen.
"Where are Adam and Chase?" I asked.
"Adam is in the bathroom and Chase is in the nurse's office." Leo explained.
I rushed in their and saw Chase laying down, he looked really pale, like almost white. When he saw me he tried to sit up and he failed. I saw the nurse and asked her what happened.
"That would be a better question for Macy Brown." The nurse explained.
"Who's Macy Brown?" I asked.
"Trent Brown's younger sister." The nurse said.
I walked over to Chase helped him to the car, with Adam, Bree and Leo following close behind. They all climbed into the back and I helped Chase into the passenger seat. He fell asleep.
"Bree. Do you know a girl names Macy Brown?" I asked.
"I think I have chemistry with her. Why?" Bree asked.
"Apparently she knows what happened to Chase. I need you to talk to her." I explained.
"Ok." Bree said.
We got home and I took Chase to the lab to see if his lung collapsed again, it almost did, but he was gonna be fine. I took him back upstairs and put him on the couch.
"Adam. I do not want you to touch him. This is your fault and you know it." I said.
"Mr. Davenport, I never meant for it to go this far. I just wanted to show him who's boss." Adam explained.
"I don't wanna hear it. You almost killed your brother. Twice." I said.
Adam left the room with Leo following him. Bree stayed with Chase.
Chase's POV.
The only way I would quit getting hurt was to run away. The only person who cared about me was Mr. Davenport and he was probably forced into it because he was my "dad." I would have to wait until I was healed. But then I would turn off my GPS on my chip and my phone, tap into my savings account I opened three years ago and run. I don't know where, but as long as I got away from my family. I didn't care. I just needed to get away.
Chasey thinks he needs to run away!
Over and out.

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