Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.
Chase's POV.
It was midnight. I got out of my capsule and turned on the cyber desk. I turned off my GPS on my chip, I got the 400 dollars from my savings account, turned off the GPS on my phone, grabbed the small bag of clothes and quietly snuck out the back. I started walking to the nearest train station. I was going to LA, I should be able to get a job. I was sixteen, but I could always lie about my age. I had just gotten to the train station. I walked in and asked the guy up front how much was a ticket to LA. It was 150 dollars. I handed him the money and walked over to the bench with my bag.
"Chase. You are being ridiculous. Go home. No, I'll just go back to being a punching bag." I fought with myself as I was waiting on the train. Then I saw a face, it looked like Douglas. He couldn't find me! I hid under the bench until that guy left, fortunately, he was headed to Hollywood. That's right, I eavesdroped. But can you blame me? I got back on the bench and then the train pulled up. I walked over and show the guy my ticket, but he wouldn't let me on.
"Kid. You need a adult with you on the train." The guy said.
"I'm going to my grandparents house because my parents just died and they have full custody over me. Please let me get on this train." I begged.
"Fine. But if I ever see you again, you better be with those grandparents. Understand?" The guy asked.
"Absolutely." I said.
"Then welcome aboard." The guy said.
I got on, but I must've hallucinated when I heard the guy whisper into his watch.
"We got him."
Bree's POV.
I woke up late for school and I was about to yell at Chase when I realized Chase wasn't there. He normally woke us up before school so we could get ready, but he was nowhere to be seen. I rushed upstairs and looked everywhere, he wasn't there. Adam and I got ready super fast so we wouldn't be late and I looked all over the school. I couldn't find him anywhere. After school Leo and Adam grabbed onto my arms and I sped home.
"Where's Chase?" Tasha asked.
"I haven't seen him all morning." I admitted.
"Have either of you seen him?" Tasha asked Leo and Adam.
They both shook their heads no. I started getting really worried. My baby brother was missing. Then Mr. Davenport and Douglas came home (A/N. In this book. Douglas works with Davenport industries again.) from a meeting.
"Where's Chase?" Was the first thing that Mr. Davenport asked when he saw all the worried looks on our faces.
"Um." Leo started, then he whispered in my ear. "What's another word for gone?"
Unfortunately, Douglas heard that.
"What do you mean gone?" Douglas demanded.
"We woke up and couldn't find Chase." I started.
"He wasn't at school either." Leo finished.
"This is bad." Mr. Davenport said as we all piled into the elevator to get to the lab.
I was hoping that my little brother was safe.
"He's smart. He'll be ok." I reassured myself as the elevator stopped and we all piled into the lab. Douglas and Mr. Davenport turned on the cyber desk, trying to locate Chase's GPS. After ten minutes they turned it off.
"Where is he?" I asked.
I was met with two sad faces.
"His GPS, on his chip and his phone, have been deactivated." Mr. Davenport said.
"It's like he doesn't want us to find him." Leo said.
Not gonna lie, we were all thinking that, but I didn't think one of us would say it.
"Guys look!" Douglas said.
We all ran over where Douglas had the bank that our family used pulled up.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Chase has a savings account in this bank. Apparently, it was all cleared out at midnight." Douglas explained.
" don't think, that Chase ran away?" I asked.
"I think he did." Mr. Davenport said quietly.
Adam stood there and started doing something I had rarely seen him do. He started crying. I went over and started rubbing his shoulder.
"This is all my fault." Adam said before he left the room.
I was about to run after him when Mr. Davenport put his hand on my shoulder.
"He needs to be alone for a while. We need to find Chase." Mr. Davenport said.
I nodded and was hoping that both my brothers would be ok as I started helping them find Chase.
Love this song! Will Chase be ok? Will Adam be ok?
Over and out.

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