Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.
Chase's POV.
As I slowly drifted back into consciousness, I felt pain, and a lot of it. I finally opened my eyes and there was a very bright light. I squinted and then the light moved. I saw Mr. Davenport and Douglas doing something over near the computers. I tried to say their names, but I ended up groaning instead. Hey, it got their attention.
"Hey Chase. Glad to see your awake." Mr. Davenport said.
"What the heck happened?" I asked in a raspy voice.
"You got beat up badly by Adam." Mr. Davenport explained.
Douglas stayed silent, he must've thought this was all his fault, witch it was, but it was also mine and Adam's, we went overboard with our abilities and it didn't end well.
"Chase, get some rest." Mr. Davenport said.
I would've argued, but then I started getting tired and then I fell asleep.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I watched as Chase fell asleep. I told Douglas to keep a eye on him, and I went to go find Adam. I saw him upstairs watching TV. I turned it off and Adam stood up.
"Adam, what were you thinking hurting Chase like that?" I demanded.
"Look, I'm sorry. I just wanted to show Chase that I'm in charge. Wouldn't you find it weird if Douglas was stronger then you and bossed you around?" Adam asked.
"Ye-no! That is beside the point, I'm amazed you didn't kill Chase fighting him like that. You are grounded forever! Times three times pi." I said.
"And how long is that?" Adam asked.
"Just go do something." I said in frustration as I went back into the lab.
When I got back in there, Chase was awake.
"I thought I told you to get some rest." I teased.
Chase smiled and tried to sit up. I gently pushed him back down.
"You can't sit up yet. Just relax." I explained.
"Where's Adam?" Chase asked.
"Upstairs. He's still kinda mad at you." I explained.
"I need to talk to him." Chase insisted.
Then Bree super sped into the lab.
"Where were you?" I asked.
"I was on a date when I heard about Chase, so I ran as fast as I could home." Bree explained.
"That explains the skid marks on my shiny lab floor." I said.
"Chase, are you ok? Who did this to you?" Bree asked.
"I accidentally cut myself with my laser bo on my leg, the rest was Adam." Chase explained.
"I'm gonna go deal with Adam. BRB." Bree said as she ran upstairs.
Five weeks later.
Chase's POV.
I had just run from Adam, I was completely healed from our fight, but Adam wouldn't quit beating me up. He even was helping Trent bully me at school. And he threatened that he would break me if I told anyone. So I had to keep my mouth shut. Adam just dislocated my shoulder, I was trying to pop it back into place when Adam came downstairs with a creepy grin on his face.
"Get away from me!" I yelled as I ran outside.
Adam grabbed me by the back of the shirt and pulled me back into the house. I screamed, I was hurting my bionic hearing, but I needed help. Adam put his hand over my mouth so my screams would be muffled. I grabbed at his hands, but I couldn't get them off my mouth. He punched me in the chest, hard, and it started getting really hard to breath. Then he punched me in the cheek. I felt blood running down my face.
"Adam, please stop!" I begged.
"No way! Not until you learn that you will never overpower me!" Adam yelled.
Then I heard someone run in the room.
"Adam stop!" Mr. Davenport yelled.
Adam threw me into the wall and left the room. I couldn't breath right, something was wrong with my lungs. I felt someone turn me over and I saw the outline of Mr. Davenport, but I couldn't see right.
"Mr...Davenport?" I asked.
"I'm here Chase, just breath." Mr. Davenport said calmly.
I started coughing and then I blacked out.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I was in the lab when I heard someone yelling. I ran into the elevator and ran into the living room. I saw Adam beating up Chase.
"Adam stop!" I yelled.
I watched as Adam threw Chase into the wall and left the room. Then I ran over to Chase and turned him over. He squinted like he couldn't see me very well.
"Mr...Davenport?" He asked.
"I'm here Chase, just breath." I said hoping I calmed him down, on the inside, I was screaming like a little girl. Why did Adam keep beating him up? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Chase coughing really hard, then he passed out.
"Chase!" I yelled.
I gently picked him up and took him to the lab. I put him on the cot that was still in the lab, then I grabbed a oxygen mask and put it on his face. Then I gently picked him up and put him on the cyber desk. The sheet of paper said this.
Dislocated shoulder.
Collapsed right lung.
Broken cheekbone.
That wasn't as bad as of thought it would be. I called Douglas and quickly explained what happened, then I got started on Chase. I would need Douglas's help, but I could do some of it by myself.
Before you think that this is pretty much like the last chapter, they will not ALL be like this.
The KP song above is another that has been floating around in my head...pretty much since it came out.
Over and out.

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