Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.
Chase's POV.
I had a advantage, finally. Adam would finally stop teasing me. I decided to test it out. I walked into the lab and saw Adam sitting on one of the stools.
"Oh no, Adam's in here. I sure hope he doesn't bench press me, or toss me across the room." I mocked.
Adam completely ignored me so I tried harder.
"Like right now."
Adam kept on ignoring me.
"Tiny doll like body just begging to get hurt."
"Not now Chase, I'm busy." Adam said.
"Doing what?" I asked.
"I'm trying to figure out witch is scarier ok. One hundred duck sized horses or one giant horse size duck?" Adam asked, standing up and waving his hands around to emphasize his point.
Then I got a idea.
"Well I bet they could both take you in a fight. Ohhh." I mocked.
"Chase, that wasn't even a option. I need you to take this seriously. I'm thinking it's the massive duck but-." Adam started.
Then I interrupted him.
"Just hit me." I insisted.
"If you keep interrupting me, I'm gonna hit you." Adam said.
"Then do it." I reasoned.
"That wasn't interrupting, in order to interrupt someone, you have to-." Adam started.
Then I interrupted him again.
"Just do it!" I yelled.
"There it is." Adam said, then he advanced towards me.
I turned on my new ability.
"What is that?" Adam asked.
"Laser bo." I said, then I twirled it around to prove my point.
"That's not a new ability, that's a giant glow stick." Adam teased.
I glared at him.
"But you hold onto it. We'll need it on Halloween when we cross the street."
Adam got into a fighting position and I did also.
I blocked a few of his punches and then I hit him in the stomach and he flew into the wall. That felt good! I deactivated my laser bo and walked outta the room. Adam yelled after me.
"Hey! This never would've happened if you hadn't interrupted me!"
Next day.
Douglas was a idiot. He unlocked Adam a new ability, how could he? He promised he'd help me and he totally ruined it. I had walked into the lab to apologize to Adam about hurting him with my laser bo and he used his pressurised lung capacity on me. I flew across the room and into the cyber desk. I immediately recovered.
"What was that?!" I demanded.
"Pressurised lung capacity, or as I like to call it, my blow thingy." Adam smiled.
"Where did you get that?" I asked cautiously.
"Douglas wanted to make everything right between us so he unlocked a new ability for me. I wanted machine guns in my eyebrows, but he said I'd get headaches." Adam explained.
I activated my laser bo and Adam laughed at me.
"Oh Chase. Your glow thingy is no match for my blow thingy." Adam said.
Then we started fighting.
I tried to get close to Adam so I could hit him, but he kept blowing me back. At one point I accidentally cut myself in the leg with my laser bo. It stung, badly, and I felt the blood dripping onto the floor. But I had to stand my ground. No way was I gonna be Adam's punching bag again, never. Adam used his pressurised lung capacity on me again and I flew into the wall and I landed on the ground in a weird position, no doubt my right arm was broken, that was the arm that I used my laser bo with. Now I had no defense against Adam. I heard Douglas and Mr. Davenport arguing as they came down the hall. I was saved! Or so I thought. I saw Adam advance and pick me up by the shirt.
"Put me down!" I yelled, hoping Mr. Davenport and Douglas would hear me.
"No. Your about to learn why you don't challenge me Chase." Adam said, with a evil smile on his face.
Then I felt my head slam into something hard multiple times and I lost consciousness.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
"So you fixed everything between Adam and Chase?" I asked.
"Everything is back to the way it was Donnie." Douglas assured me.
Then I heard screams.
"That sounds fine Dougie." I mocked.
Then we both ran into the lab. Adam was gone and then we saw Chase. He had a little trickle of blood coming off his forehead and a somewhat large cut on his leg, not to mention his right arm was bent weirdly. Broken, no doubt. I checked his pulse and sighed in relief when I realized that he was still alive. I gently picked up Chase and put him on the cyber desk so I could scan him for injuries. Hopefully he didn't have any internal injuries. Douglas started setting up a cot near the capsules. Then the cyber desk finished scanning Chase. I picked up the piece of paper and read it closely.
Two broken ribs.
Broken right arm.
Major concussion.
Possible memory loss.
Large cut on lower left leg.
Cuts and bruises.
"Good job beating up Chase, Adam." I thought sarcastically as I showed Douglas the diagnosis. He gasped a little.
"And this is why we don't hand out bionic abilities like toys Dougie." I mocked.
"But that's why they like me more then you." Douglas defended.
I scoffed and took Chase to the E.R section of the house.
Gah the song above won't leave my head! (Justin Timberlake...why do you have to be so flipping catchy?)...
Anyway, I know a few of you read the first few chapters of this, but then I had posting issues, so I deleted it. Now it's back!
Over and out.

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