Chapter 10

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Chapter 10.
Chase's POV.
I saw Derek advance towards me and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Adam ran in there and saw Derek.
"Leave my brother alone!" Adam yelled as he tackled Derek.
They had close combat for a while, then I saw Derek's knife go into my brother's arm, Adam fell to the ground.
"Adam!" I yelled.
He groaned in pain on the floor and was holding his arm.
Then Bree ran down the stairs and started fighting the guy, it lasted for a while, then I saw Mr. Davenport's cyroblaster, that's how we got rid of Douglas. I disconnected the machines and sat up, then I slowly stood up and walked over to the cyber desk. I picked it up just as I saw him cut my sister's leg.
"Bree move!" I yelled.
She crawled out of the way and I pulled the trigger. Derek was contained in a huge ice cube. I set down the cryoblaster on the cyber desk and then Mr. Davenport came into the lab. He saw me standing up, Adam in pain on the floor, Bree unable to stand up and Derek in a ice cube.
"I go to one meeting. Who is in the ice cube? Why are you out of bed Chase? And what happened to Adam and Bree?" Mr. Davenport demanded.
I was about to start explaining when I felt my legs go out from under me and my vision go dark.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I had just gotten back from a meeting when I found Adam on the floor screaming, Bree trying to stand up and failing, a weird guy I had never seen before in a ice cube and Chase standing up.
"I go to one meeting. Who is in the ice cube? Why are you out of bed Chase? And what happened to Adam and Bree?" I demanded.
I saw Chase opened his mouth to answer me, then I saw his eyes roll up and close. I dived to catch him before he fell. Then I picked him up, put him back on the bed and hooked him back up to the machines. Then I helped Adam off the floor, sat him down and stitched up his arm. I bandaged him up and he helped Bree off the floor with his good arm. I stitched up her leg and she looked at Chase with sad eyes.
"Bree? What happened?" I asked.
"I had just gotten back from the movies when I heard Adam scream, so I super sped down here and saw Derek trying to hurt Chase again and he already hurt Adam. So I started fighting him and he cut me in the leg. I saw Chase unhook himself from all the machines, grab the cryoblaster and he froze Derek." Bree explained.
"Is the giant ice cube in my lab Derek?" I asked.
"Yeah. He captured Chase in the first place, he tortured him and he knows about our bionics." Bree explained.
"How does this guy know about your bionics?" I asked.
"We don't know." Bree said.
"I swear, if we have another dad, I'm gonna break this table!" Adam yelled.
"I am one hundred percent that you do not have another dad. You two go rest, I'm gonna ask Douglas if he knows this guy." I said.
Adam walked to his capsule, but I saw Bree sit down beside Chase and stoke his hair.
"Bree, please get some rest." I said.
"I'm ok, I'm just making sure he is." Bree explained.
"I'll send Leo down here. You need rest." I said.
"Fine." Bree said, obviously not pleased with the arrangement as she walked into her capsule. I called Leo downstairs and went to go find Douglas as soon as I told him what to do.
Leo's POV.
I had just finished my lunch when Big D called me downstairs. I came down there and saw a ice cube, Adam and Bree in their capsules, splatters of blood on the floor and Chase sleeping.
"Wow Big D, your lab looks terrible." I said glancing around.
"I have to go ask Douglas something, can you make sure Chase is ok and start cleaning up?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Yep. Give a 15 year old the job of babysitter." I said sarcastically.
"Really Leo?" Mr. Davenport said.
"Fine. What do you want me too do with the frozen dude?" I asked.
"Just start cleaning up. And leave that ice cube alone." Mr. Davenport said.
"Ok." I said picking up a mop.
Big D left the room and I finished cleaning up the blood on the floor. Then I looked over at Chase and saw that he was waking up.
"Mr...Davenport?" He asked squinting.
"Nope. Just Leo." I said.
"Where is he?" Chase asked.
"He had to go talk to Douglas. Do I need to go get him?" I asked.
"That would be nice." Chase said.
"Got it." I said as I ran into the elevator.
After it got on the first floor, I saw Big D and Douglas fighting. I yelled Big D's name and he and Douglas both looked at me.
"Leo, you are supposed to be downstairs. What are you doing?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Chase woke up and needs you." I explained.
Then I heard Big D mutter something about stitches and we went back down to the lab.
Chase's POV.
I had drifted into consciousness and saw someone above me.
"Mr...Davenport?" I asked.
"Nope. Just Leo." I heard the person say.
Then my vision cleared up and it was indeed Leo.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He said he needed to talk to Douglas about something. Do you need me to get him?" Leo asked.
"That would be nice." I said.
Then Leo dashed out of the lab. I heard someone walking towards me and I saw Bree in my vision.
"Hey." She smiled.
"Hi." I said quietly.
She looked at my vitals and put her hand on my forehead.
"Well, I think your cuts aren't infected anymore." Bree smiled.
"Yay." I weakly cheered.
Then I heard the elevator door open, Leo and Mr. Davenport walked out and Mr. Davenport smiled when he saw me.
"Hey Chase." Mr. Davenport said as he grabbed something out of one of the medical cabinets. He gave Bree a cotton ball and she put it on my large cut on my face. I think it was probably local anesthesia. Then I felt another cotton ball on my arm. I looked over to see Leo was holding that one. I felt someone running a needle through my leg and I tried to get away, but Bree held me down and continued to hold the cotton ball on my face. Finally the pain stopped and I looked over to see Mr. Davenport holding a needle. He just did the stitches on my leg. Then he got Bree to quit holding the cotton ball on my face and he quickly stitched up my face, that hurt, but I knew that if I cried out or screamed, then the needle would slip and it would probably injure me more, luckily Bree was holding my hand so I just squeezed her hand and probably cut off her circulation, but she didn't care. Mr. Davenport finished up my face and started on my arm. I still didn't cry out, but I definitely tried to escape. No matter how much local anesthesia they put on my arm, it was still gonna hurt. Finally he was done.
Then Adam came out of his capsule and saw that I was awake.
"How you feeling Chasey?" Adam asked.
"Good enough to know that wasn't proper grammar." I replied.
"And he's back." Adam said.
I sat up with some help from Mr. Davenport and I hugged my family. They wouldn't give up on me, even when I would've taken myself for dead. I had a amazing family, even Adam.
The end.
Hope ho

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