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At first you get a bit of Sophie and Freddie cuteness and then everything mostly happens like in an episode.
In the end is going to be some drama because Skins without drama is not Skins.

Well, everything seems back to normal, even though Freddie is trying to make me spend as less time as possible with Effy and she's doing exact same thing, except with Freddie. Both of them think the other one is fucking me up, but the true is, they both do.

Well, everything seems back to normal, even though Freddie is trying to make me spend as less time as possible with Effy and she's doing exact same thing, except with Freddie. Both of them think the other one is fucking me up, but the true is, they both do.

I'm sitting with Freddie in his shed and we're just chill together, sometimes make out. I even brought a book and tried to read it for couple of times, but each time I try to do it, Freddie starts kissing my neck and I get distracted.

Eventually Freddie gets pissed, snatches the book from me and reads the end. Now he's threatening to tell me the end if I'll read again while being with him.

"Satan" I say and he kisses me. I hear how shed's door opens.

"Karen, I've told you" Freddie says, but it's not Karen, its Katie.

"Hi, Katie" I wave at her.

"Look how cute you two are" She says and I push Freddie off.

"What's up?" Freddie asks.

"You can drive, right?" She exclaims.

"Yeah" I answer "But Effy has a car. Why are you asking?" I feel how Freddie is playing with my hair.

"Well we're having a party tonight in the woods"

"Maybe, Effy has to ask her mum first" I say not really wanting to say yes "Where is it supposed be anyway?"

"Gobbler's end"

"When you say we, what do you mean?" I hear how Freddie inhales deeply. He much rather be doing other things right now and Katie is stopping him.

"Well, you know, me, you guys, JJ, Thomas, Pandora, Emily and Naomi" She answers and I notice that she didn't mention Effy "Can I ask you something? I want it to be like a quiet thing, not some kind of pikey hole down"


"So Cook's not invited"

"Why would I invite Cook? He clearly doesn't like me"

"Right" Katie gives me a weird look and I feel that Freddie is listening to us now "I meant Effy. Isn't she like seeing him? "

"She's fucking him occasionally, not seeing"

"Listen, Katie, this is a great idea, isn't it Sophie" He looks at me and sees my arms crossed on my chest and my serious face "Smile, babe"

I lift my head up and give them a fake smile.

"So you're in?" Katie asks.

"As I said, Effy has to ask her mum, if she's in, I'm in" Freddie looks at me and slightly shakes his head because he knows that I'm only teasing Katie "I'll call once I know the answer"

"Cool" Katie says, I nod and Freddie escorts her out of the shed.

"And now" He claps hands and leans a bit closer to me "Let's get down to business" He says and kisses me.

We all pack into my aunt's car, it's a bit crowded, but that's fine. Effy's driving, Katie's in the passenger seat with a map, so Naomi, Emily, Pandora and I are packed in the backseat and Thomas, JJ and Freddie are in the trunk.

Freddie is singing to some song in the radio and Panda is trying as well, to be honest, this is a horror to my ears because none of them can sing. Then Freddie pretends he's in a band and pretends to play the drums.

"You're sure this is the right way?" Effy asks Katie once we stop staring at each other.

"That's what the map says" Katie says.

Katie gets lost so we all start arguing, Effy, Thomas and Pandora are probably the only ones not arguing. Effy pulls into the gas station and Katie gets even more frustrated with the map.

"Stupid peace of crap" She says once she gets out of the car "We just have to ask someone for direction" She tosses the map in the trash.

"Who?" I ask getting out as well, Katie just shrugs her shoulders.

A moment later another car pulls up and Katie goes over to them.

"Excuse me, gentleman, could you tell me how to get to Goblin's end, please?" She asks.

"Well, you can't start from here, love. I reckon, I can show you"

"Listen to the nice man, Freddie!" Katie shouts, grabs my hand and pulls me after her.

"So, Freddie doesn't know about you and Cookie?" Katie asks and we go inside the shop "Anyone in here?" She asks when we go in and there's no one inside.

"Why does everybody think there's something between me and Cook?" I ask when I'm taking cigarettes. I take some money out of my pocket and putt it next to cashier.

"Well he obviously likes you" She says and a guy from another car walks inside.

I can already sense some trouble. He's looking at Katie way too seductive.

"Are you leaving something for me, lovely?" He asks to Katie and unzips his pants "'Cause I've got something for you"

"Let me out, please" Katie says, but the guy doesn't let her go through "Sophie help"

I push that pervert away so Katie can leave.

"Help" I hear Katie yell and the guy goes after her.

"Tosser" I say and get outside as well.

"You made me miss" The guy with a gun says walking up to Katie.

"Sorry, but..."

"I've never missed before"

"Okay, that's enough" I pull Katie away "Everyone has their first times" I say.

"Alright that's it" Freddie pulls me away "It's enough. Leave her alone"

"Go. Beware the moon" These guys are so creepy.

"Whatever" I say.

"Freak" Effy says and we both sit in the car.

After some time of driving Pandora starts hyperventilating.


"Panda, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Sophie, is she okay?" Effy asks.

"Um, Eff" JJ starts.


"It's them. It's them!" Thomas starts panicking and starts tapping on my shoulder. We all look back and see that truck.

Everyone starts freaking out and Freddie tries to calm everyone down. The trunk gets really close to us and honks the horn and rolls besides us.

"Roll your fucking window down!" The man with the gun yells and points his gun at Effy.

Everyone starts yelling that Effy should just stop the car, but Effy doesn't do that until the truck stops in front of us.

He sticks his hand out the window, flicks his cigarette, backs up and drives away.

"I think we should go home" Pandora says and grips into my hand even harder.

"Well they're gone now, we're safe" Freddie says "As long as we beware the moon, obviously"

Effy bursts out into laughter followed by everyone except Pandora, me and Katie. Pandora is still too shocked and Katie... Well, Katie is just too scared.

Skins: Season 3Where stories live. Discover now