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Iyaa ak tauu, update an nya luama pol yaa. Mianee, ga brmksd untk buat klian penasaran sama ending nya hahaha😂

So, minggu ini uda minggu UAS. Rencananya aku bakal active lg mulai bulan desember setelah aku selesai UAS (tgl 3 des) dan buku ini bakal end di Chapter 35 + Epilog💪🏻 < perkiraan, kemungkinan bisa nambah chapternya >

and btw, thank you so much guys for keep reading this book even though i'm still in hiatus. Much love🙈

oh ya, tmn" ku blg kalau crita ini trlalu banyak konflik. Kalau kalian memang berpikiran sama kyk tmn" ku, maklum yaa aku pemula di bidang menulis dan nilai bahasa indonesia ku jg ga bgs" banget. Tp thank you guys buat yg ttep voting dan baca crita ini, 감사합니다😭❤️

i have a announcement for you guys who likes to read english ff🎉

After this ff ends, i will publish new english ff on my other acc. The tittle is 'THREE YEARS' and it's Chanyeol Fanfiction.

The story is about a girl who had some relationship with a boy (who's used to be her best friend) and lasted for 1 year, but after that he suddenly ignoring her and had a new girlfriend. They meet again after three years has passed and the girl still has a little feelings for him. What will happen next?

Interested? Wait until december comes guys! I'll tell you when it has uploaded. 😜

I HATE YOU BUT I LOVE YOU.  |  EXO Xiumin Fanfiction | SLOW UPDATETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang