The Truth

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"You just remind me of someone that I used to know. She died when the outbreak happened." He just stared blankly at the wall, "We were together until the last minute. I was with my parents, my father was carrying me and my mother was running behind us. A group of people got in her way and she got separated from us." My eyes started to water, "My dad didn't notice until we were on the boat, he tried to get off, but they wouldn't let him off. He tried to go back for her." he sobbed, "he tried to save her, but he couldn't." He wiped some tears from his eyes and cleared his throat, "the bells started to ring and my dad was still fighting the guard on duty, two men held him back as the boat started to move away from the dock. He started crying and hugged me. he just hugged me and cried. He kept repeating, 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.' I heard my mother yell for us, but she didn't say anything more than, 'I love you.' That's all she had time to say. She was pushed into the water by an infected that went in after her." The tears were rolling down his face now.

I was crying just as hard as he was now too. I didn't know what to say. "Jeremy," I said. He looked at me, face red, eyes burning blue. My face was down. I didn't know what to say, what to do. I just knew this was my son. He was alive and lived in a town with even more people. "We have to get you home."

He just looked at me astounded and said, "You just called me Jeremy, why? Who are you?" he began to shout.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "My name is Sonja. I've lived here alone since the outbreak." He stared at me with disbelief and anger.

"What is your last name?" he asked with a stern voice.

"Smith," the knot in my throat grew to the size of a golf ball, "I am your mother."

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