1. The Diner Where I Met Him

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attraction noun
the action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or something.

My name is Susannah Roberts, I'm 20 and I go to Lawson Uni. I have long blonde hair, reaching past my shoulders, freckles spread out around my nose. Average height, 5 foot 4. Deep blue eyes with a hint of silver around the iris. I work at Denny's, a fast food restaurant that was busy all week long. I get paid an okay amount, enough to be able to pay for my dorm and tuition.

I left my car in a small parking lot and started walking towards the lit up restaurant. I walked towards the back entrance stepping over the pile of rubbish that overflowed the bins and was kicked over. I unlocked the door and pushed through. The hot and stuffy air of the kitchen hit me with a blast, I put my jacket away and got changed into my secondhand waitress uniform.

I grabbed a clip board from the stack and headed into the restaurant. I was greeted by my coworker, Georgie. She was a woman in her mid 20s, but she still looked like a young model. She was tall and slim, her curly brown hair draped behind her ears.

"Hey, just in time. The restaurants getting busier every week. Old Thomas over there's getting so excited over the business and money." She pointed over at our boss chatting with a few of his friends. He was grinning and drinking, a bottle of beer in his right hand.

Then a group of teenagers came into the shop, they looked like Uni students. They sat at an empty booth and kept on talking. They were making a loud racket and I rolled my eyes at them.

"What are you waiting for? Go serve them!" Georgie pressed a few menus into my arms and pushed me towards the booth. I hesitated before putting on a fake smile and striding towards the booth.

The booth quieten down when I reached them. "Welcome to Denny's, what would you like tonight?" I took out my pen and gave them the famous waitress smile.

What looked like the leader of the group looked at his menu and ordered, one by one they all ordered their meals. I scribbled frantically, trying to keep up. Then came to the last person, I was waiting, then I looked up and saw him staring at me.

"Umm, sir? What would you like?" He had dirty blonde hair with curls that sat perfectly around his ears. He had dark green eyes with a little brown near the pupil. I stared at them before looking away.

"Alex! Dude! The girl's waiting!" The boy next to him punched him in the arm.

"Oh! Sorry! Uhh, I would like the Denny's Saturday Special. Thanks." He looked embarrassed and I scribbled it down.

"Alex! What's up with you dude? You were fine when we came here!" The boy called Alex waved him off and continued to look at me. This made me feel a little bit uncomfortable so I hurried up and collected the menus and returned to the kitchen.

I placed down the order and relaxed back by the counter. "That guy was totally tripping for you! Pity you don't feel the same, he's kinda cute." Georgie said as she joined me.

"You know my situation and I don't get your phrase 'tripping'."

"Never mind."

I kept on glancing at their booth, since they were making the most noise. I caught the boy look at me for a few times. I wonder if this was one of the 'stalkers' Mum mentioned so many times back at home. I shrugged it off and my shift dragged by.

They left after I was getting ready to leave. I headed towards the parking lot. Then I heard running footsteps behind me. Without looking back, I started running, fear arose in me. I could see the parking lot now, just a 100 meters...

Then a hand reached out from behind and covered my mouth. I tried yelling out but he was strong and he whispered, "I'm not going to hurt you, stop struggling, I just want to talk to you."

I relaxed and his hand loosened, he pulled away, but his hand was still holding mine. I felt angry and scared. "What do you want?" I said in a hushed voice. Then his face moved into the streetlights. Alex. Damn, I knew he was trouble.

"I'm Alex and uhh, I want to see you again sometime later." I've seen this scene play in all the romance movies, this guy was really dumb, he didn't read the news or even follow up the gossip. Did he not know that I wasn't normal? That I had no capability of loving or any of that feeling? I can't even love my parents!

"Here's my number, call me when you're free." He passed me a card and not being rude, I put it in my pocket. He smiled and turned around and left. After seeing him disappear around a corner, I headed off towards the parking lot. Passing a bin, I threw the piece of card away.

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