14. My First Target- Eliminated

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ammunition noun

a supply or quantity of bullets and shells.


I saw Noah's lean figure against a tree. He was looking around and when he saw me, his eyes lightened up. I went up to him and he gave me a shy grin. We stood there for a few minutes, me not looking at him and him grinning at me and going red. 

"Shall we go?" I nodded and he lead the way, we were walking side by side. Some girls gave Noah a flirty look but he kept his eyes on mine. I looked forward, my hand brushing against the handle of my gun under my shirt. 

"Where's this place?" I asked.

"Just around the corner." He said and I saw him inch closer to me.  

"Stay away from me." I said coldly and I saw him pull backwards. We turned the corner and he led me into a small restaurant. We got a table and the waitress came over. Instantly the waitress's attention was on Noah. 

"Sorry, but I'm with her." He said and the waitress's smile dropped for a second then the smile was replaced with a fake. I rolled my eyes.

"Speak." I eyed him. 

"After I recovered from the hospital, I found out that you were in the hospital. I couldn't face you, what kind of boyfriend had their girlfriend save them? And a little bit of me thought you wouldn't make it. So to deal with the grief, I decided moving on would make me forget about the past. Then I heard you got out of the hospital and I felt guilty, I knew you would have heard about me and Mia, so I avoided you. I'm sorry." I looked into his deep blue eyes. Why has he got to have those damn beautiful eyes.

"No. I can't ever forgive you. Noah, I loved you. And did you know how it made me feel when you weren't there when I woke up?" I glared, trying not to tear up. He looked sad, it was tempting not to pull him into a hug.

"Come with me." He gripped my wrist and pulled me towards the door. 

"What the hell are you doing? Let me go!" I yelled at him, trying to wrench my hand out of his. 

"Shut up." I was shocked, he had the nerve to say that to me! He wanted to apologise! He pulled me behind the shop and pinned me against the wall. He stared at me, his blue eyes full of anger. 

"I tried! You don't know how hard it was for me when I heard you were in the hospital! Being with Mia did calm me down, but I couldn't sleep at night. I-"

"You're a criminal." I said quietly, after a minute of hesitation, he stepped back and he was shaking.

"So you know about my mistakes. I regret them now. So you're here to arrest me? Kill me?" He laughed and I gripped my hand on the handle of the gun. Energy coursed through my veins when my finger contacted with the wood. 

"Hands up! Don't come close to me!" I pulled out the gun and pointed the muzzle towards Noah's head. He threw back his head and laughed, then he had to hold onto the wall to remain balance. "I'm s-serious!"

"You? You're going to kill me? Ha! You couldn't even drink a whole cup of vodka 4 years ago! Now shoot me! Go on!" He laughed. True, I wasn't ready to get drunk so I stayed away from the alcohol. But the fury burning inside me was more than enough to pull that trigger.

"I will shoot if you come any closer! I will! This is the chance I will make you pay." He was walking towards me, I took a deep breath and my shaking stopped. Instead, I confidently smiled at him, he stopped walking.

"You wouldn't dare!" He was scared now, I could hear it in his voice. He was shaking. 

"Try me." I pulled the trigger, Noah's lifeless body fell limp to the ground and I pocketed the pistol. 

"Oh, you are heartless." I heard a voice and spun around.

"Who's there?" I pulled out the gun and held it close for safety.

"You can put that away, it's me, Alia." She stepped out of the shadows, clapping and a wide smile on her face. A group of men in black suits gathered around Noah's body and hauled him away.

"Good job, dear." I looked at Alia, she was smiling like I was the her pride. "You might want to go back, your little boyfriend is in deep trouble." 

Alex. I ran, the adrenaline urging me to go faster. 

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