18. Rescue Mission

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agony noun
extreme physical or mental suffering.
I could hear Hunter curse loudly, there was red lights and loud sirens. I was still strapped to the damn chair. The explosion came from the lab on the right, a huge hole appeared in the steel wall and I could see unconscious scientists.

The blackened steel around the hole and the smell of smoke. People around me hurried past. I saw Hunter talk to what looked like a commander and I strained my ears to listen to what they were talking about.

"I don't know how he got past the security...the girl needs to be taken away...curse that bastard." Was someone finally coming to my rescue. Then I heard a whisper, hushed but quiet.

"Susie! Susie!" I looked around the room people were yelling and the siren was still going. Then I felt my chair drag across the floor, the screech was loud but nobody noticed.

"What the hell?" I was dragged into a corner, at first I thought it was one of Hunter's henchmen.

"Susie, are you alright?" No henchmen would be concerned of my wellbeing, then Alex's face appeared in front of mine and I smiled.

"Thanks, but how did you find me?"

"Let's just say that Alia has pretty good tracking gadgets so we tracked your phone."

"How did you get in?" I was worried that people would notice my absence but they were all busy worrying about the scientist and lab.

"I can be a little dangerous sometimes too." He gave me a mischievous smile and worked on the straps. After a few loud clicks I felt the straps were gone and I rubbed at the red on my wrists.

"How are we going to get out when the place is full of eyes?" I asked, starting to think that this rescue was turning out bad.

"We just have to find a place to hide, Alia's coming with back up." Alex said and took hold of my hand and  led me through big machines, out of sight of any passing people.

"There's a small room just ahead, Hunter gave me a full day tour of the place." Alex let me take the lead this time. After checking for the coast I led his m into what seemed like a storage place. The room was cramped from floor to ceiling win boxes and the place smelled like mouldy wood.

"How long do we have to be here for? The smell is revolting." I said and tried to breathe through my mouth.

"I'm not sure but when you hear a loud bang, it would probably be Alia. Before that time we're stuck here." Alex shrugged and sat down on the floor.

"Thank you," I joined him and gave him a smile, "if you came any later, I would have probably be sent to get dissected."

"What did Hunter want you for anyways?" Alex said with an eyebrow raised.

"You know the drug I've been taking? The red liquid one that Alia gave me? Yeah, apparently it enhances your physical strength and speed. Did you know Hunter's two brothers are Cameron Walker and Josh Walker? It's hard to believe neither of them mentioned their younger brother at interviews or on the news. I kinda feel bad for Hunter yet when you think about it, he wants to kill me so no."

I heard Alex crack up and gave him a questioning look. Then he remembered their situation and his hands covered his mouth. I smiled, if only Alex was Noah 4 years ago.

"So he basically wants your blood just to get to that drug in order for him to prove himself to his brothers? The story's kinda sad but killing someone just for their own gain isn't right." Alex shook his head. Then he quieted down when he heard footsteps walk past the storage room. He moved closer to me and signalled to me to be quiet.

When the footsteps walked straight past, he relaxed. "About what happened-" I started.

"Oh, it's not your fault, it was really selfish of me to say that. After all you've been through I know maybe you don't want that to happen again. I just want to tell you that I'm different from Noah and I will never hurt you." His eyes were filled with sadness and I looked away. I knew if I looked at him I would feel pity and angry at myself.

I felt Alex brush his hand on mine and rested it there. I forgot we were hiding, that any second, they could get killed. Then, like it was on cue, there was a second loud bang. Only this one was close to the storage room.

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