3. A Mysterious Aunt

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obdurate adjective

unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding.


"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I yelled at the man, struggling against his strong grip. He only let out a small grunt when I kicked him in the shin.

"You're coming with us, government business." The man said without any sign of facial expression. I gave up struggling, they wouldn't do anything to me on campus grounds, it would be too risky for witnesses.

The woman dressed in black led us to the school gate, never turning off her walkie talkie. It was quiet which was unusual, there would always be a gang of teenagers hanging around and skipping class. There was a long black limo parked in the parking lot. Two more men climbed out of the front seats and one of them stood guard as the other one opened the door. After a while of silence, a woman climbed out.

She was dressed head to toe in a fancy dress, Hollywood worthy. What was a person like her doing here? She gave me a warm smile and laughed at my confused face.

"Call me Alia, I'm your aunt."

"What? That can't be possible. By the looks of it, you belong down the red carpet and my family wasn't rich for all I know."

"I can explain Susie," She called me Susie, only my parents ever called me that. "Me and your father got into a huge fight and well, we haven't stayed in touch for 20 years now."

She looked hurt and I felt bad for her. "Anyways, I come with terrible news. I'm sorry. I am. I got news about your parents. There were a terrible accident on Main St in the morning. You're parents were in a car accident, and I'm afraid...they didn't make it."

The new shocked me, even though I didn't really love them. They were still my blood parents. My life was full of accidents, but my parents didn't do nothing wrong, I did. I mixed in with the wrong people. "What?"

"It's true, darling. I'm sorry. And according to your father's will, I'm now you're official guardian." I felt dizzy, all of a sudden, my parents are gone and I was under the care of an aunt I hardly knew. I calmed myself down, last time I got too excited with emotions, I nearly died.

"What do you want from me?"

"Getting down to business now?" Her sudden warm and cheery voice turned into a cold and sinister one. "I've heard all about you, about your little accident with that boy and your special condition. I have a job for you. With your ability to not be able to feel pity and love, you'll become the best assassin that the government could use right now."

"Me? An assassin? No way." I said firmly.

"But you don't have a choice dear, you will receive an email tomorrow morning telling how to start your training. It's simple. I'll see you around...Niece." She smiled and got back in the car. The men in black followed her and they drove off. Leaving me standing there, dumbstruck.

I got back to the lecture hall, the professor was just starting to pack up and students left the hall. I sighed and was slightly glad, I didn't have to deal with people until I got my thoughts cleared. I went up to my seat and grabbed my bag.

"Hey!" I turned around and Alex was running up the stairs towards me. "I forgot to ask you for your name."

"Susannah, Susannah Roberts." I said, hoping Jessica and Bea would drag him away.

"Cool, if you want to talk, just call me." He turned around and joined back with his group of friends. I shrugged and started to head towards the door.

"Hey! Sparky!" I rolled my eyes and turned around for the second time. Instead of Alex, it was Hunter. I was ready to walk right out of the door, I didn't need to deal with him right now. 

"What do you want? And don't call me that." I growled. 

"Here, this is my number. I want to see you again sometime." He smirked. "Do you not know who I am?"

"Of course I do, who wouldn't know the biggest jerk in the universe." Hunter's smirk widened. "And I don't want you number."

I didn't wait for him to answer, I followed the flow of the people and got out of the study hall. 

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