21. Bright Red

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sense noun

a feeling that something is the case


My arm started to throb, I saw Alex give me a surprised look before looking away. Hunter's screams and yells were blocked, my hand automatically reached for the gun. Then Hunter marched over to Alia, he pulled out his handgun and shot at her head. There was a hole in the back of her head and the smell of blood filled the air. 

"Get her!" Hunter was screaming now. I was surrounded, I tried to fight the drug, but it was strong. I pulled out the gun and fired, scoring head shots for every bullet. A part me felt wrong, but just that tiny bit of me was enjoying this. That was scary.

I was on a roll now, bullet after bullet, people falling down. I felt the fear in Hunter's eyes as I gunned down his men. That made me shoot faster, until there were corpses lying everywhere and I was drowning in the smell of blood. Hunter started backing away. Then he gave me a smirk and he took out his own gun and pointed it at Alex.

"You shoot me and your boyfriend dies too." I froze, holding back the trigger. My hand was shaking, it took all my will power from pulling the trigger. I looked over at Alex and he had his head down. I slowly inched towards him, Hunter was too busy laughing to notice.

"Alex!" I whispered. He looked up and I saw his blood tattered face was filled with tears. 

"Susie, kill him." His voice was so soft and I felt cold. I looked into his eyes, past the tears. 

"I can't." 

"Why not?! You killed all of them, you can kill him and it'll be worth it!"

"Because I just can't." 

"Why not! This man has killed too many people!" 


"Because what?"

"Because I like you."

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