Chapter 1

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I am so freaking mad. Very mad. I had most of this chapter written out and the 'Google Chrome is not responding, closing all tabs.' Well I hate you, too, Google. Why. Just why. First YouTube comments and now this. I am very disappointed in you. Anyways I hope you enjoy, and I am going to save like every paragraph.

~Eevee's POV~

I was happily singing to my heart's content, oh how cheesy, but true. I was now 15 years old, happily learning a whole grade level above with homeschooling.

"We can do whatever's in you mi-i-ind." I was going to continue, but the doorbell rang. I groaned. I have tried recording this song like 7 times, and I just couldn't finish it.

"Eevee! Mitch! Come down here!"

I poked my head out the door, and come out, skipping down the stairs, hearing Mitch coming down the stairs behind me.

I see Ian and a tall man in a black suit, standing there with the door open. 

"Hello there, Evangeline, Mitch." The man nods to us. Really, he uses Mitch's nick name, but not mine?

"I am a member of the CPS (the child protective services), and Evangeline, we found your family."

"What do you mean, I thought nobody in my family was available or they were just unfit for a child." I almost start panicking, I know where this is going.

"That  was the case, but you have an uncle and a cousin, they live in New York City, and they are fit to have you."

I was not happy at all. "No, I'd rather stay here, thanks."

"Sorry, you are still a minor, I am afraid that you have no choice."

"What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"When does she have to leave?" I heard Ian asking the man.

"In 3 days, at 2 p.m." I closed my eyes, squeezed them shut tight.

"Er, thanks for stopping by."

"Just be ready to go by then." Mitch shut the door. I didn't move. I just stood there. I felt Mitch wrap his arms around my shoulders. I didn't react.

"I'll go get the others." Ian went upstairs.

~Time Skip~

We were sitting on the couch... nobody had said anything yet.

"So, what are we having a house meeting for?" Ashely inquired.

"I have to leave in 3 days." I suddenly blurted out.

Everyone around me froze.

"What do you mean."

"Apparently I have an uncle and a cousin, and they are fit to have me there. Because I am a minor I have to go." I hugged my knees to my chest. Nobody replied. 

"Well... we can come and visit you, right?" Jerome asked.

I looked up. "They live in New York, but I don't see why not."

"I guess that makes it a bit harder, but we can always chat over Skype." Mitch assured.

"Don't worry, we will still keep in touch. I think we should make this the best 3 days ever!" Everyone smiled and nodded. 

"Ok, let me do a vlog first."

I ran up the stairs and sat at my desk.

"Hey guys, Eevee here, I have some sad news. It turns out I have family in New York, and CPS is making me move there. I don't know how they are going to take YouTube, but I will do my best. At the very least, Mitch said he would upload new content. I really don't want to leave. I love you guys, and I'll be back, I just have a bad feeling about this. Anyways, stay awesome children." I finished the vlog glumly. I edited and uploaded. The comments were pouring in.

'No! I'm going to miss you so much!' 'Oh! I live in New York! Maybe we can meet!' 

I sighed and began to pack up my extra stuff, I didn't need all of these pictures up; I put them in a box and lined it with stuffed animals so they wouldn't break. I looked at every one before packing them up. I heard a knock on my door. 

"Come in." I heard my voice crack. Mitch walked in.

"Watcha doing?" He looked in the boxes and saw it was filled with pictures. He pulled one of the out. It was the one we had taken on the first day I had gotten here. 

"Packing, I would much rather pack today, spend time with you guys in the next days."

"Makes sense." He is still holding that picture. I can tell he is still holding back tears. 

"Mitch, I'm not leaving for forever."

"I know, but three years is a long time."

"Yeah. But you are going to be at Pax, and we already got our tickets, so I have to go. It is just dumb luck that it is in New York." Pax (I have no clue when Pax is) is in March this year, and it was summer, so in about 8 months we would all see each other again.

"I know, but still." I came over and hugged him. "You know that this picture is my screen saver on my computer?" Mitch asked me.

"It is? That is sweet." I said with a small smile. I stood back up and resumed my packing. I saved the rest of my stuffed animals for breakable stuff. 

"Eevee, I have a bad feeling about this." He said suddenly. I sighed and continued packing.

"Me too, actually." 

I just packed in silence, and once I had packed up everything except my clothes and my computer, I just sat down next to Mitch and he hugged me. Why does the one good thing in my life have to leave? I knew it was too good to be true.

~Author's Note~

Don't judge me if this last few sentences suck, because it is very early in the morning, and I am still awake, because I told my self I would post the first chapter the very first thing the nest day, and here we are, at 1:30 in the freaking morning, Why do I do this? I have no clue, and I wish I didn't. Anyways guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Abused without BajanCanadian (It is so weird writing that), take care.

Abused without BajanCanadian (Sequel to Adopted by BajanCanadian) *COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now