Chapter 6

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Hello children... I don't have any news. Wait, I could tell you what I am doing on this special (not really) November 16. I am going to my soccer teams' pizza party, then the Catching Fire after hours library night thing is tonight, which is what I am really looking forward to. There, now you can stalk me today. Yay. Anyways guys, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~

I finished editing and uploading a few videos for the day. Then I head down stairs, and see Mike and Ethan sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys." I say positively as I walk down the stairs.

"Hey." Ethan replies, and Mike says nothing.

"So... wat'cha doing." 

"Um... nothing. I think there is something wrong, but dad isn't saying anything."

"Oh. Ok." I just sit down. We sit in silence before Mike speaks up.

"Eevee, why do you like those people so much. I mean, we are your real family." I knew something was up.

"Well, I don't think like that. I think my family is the people who love me, and take care of me. People that I can tell anything, and I feel like they are it. I'm sorry if that offends you, but they were with me when stuff was hard, and they saved me from that orphanage. They really actually saved my life." I state simply.

"Well, we are here now, so can you just forget about them?" He asks like it was nothing.

"Um, no. I can't. That is actually really unreasonable for you to ask that of me. They saved me when no one else did. And I didn't need saving when CPS made me come here. In fact where were you those 6 years when I was stuck in the Hell hole, being abused, literally, and had nothing? Well you weren't there. Some family." I start ranting.

"Well, sorry." 

"Sorry isn't good enough. I'm sorry that I might resent you for taking me away from them, but you can't stop me from talking to them. I love them, and I am moving back there the moment I turn 18." I turn and run back up the stairs. I hear him trying to call me back down, but I ignore it. I climb out onto the roof, pull my guitar with me. I just sit there, softly humming and playing to whatever songs come to my head. 

I pull my iPod out of my pocket. Thank goodness there is wifi like everywhere here. I go to Twitter, and post the recent events.

'My uncle isn't very cool with me talking to Team Crafted and everyone, so we will see what happens. I don't think I will be able to record as often, that's for sure. I'll get back to this later, sorry.'

Also, Skype works via mobile device, and I message everyone back home in a group chat exactly what he said. I mean, I understand that they brought me here so I can be with my "family", but I didn't think my family would be like this.

~Time Skip~

I was on the roof until dark, with no interruptions. It was nice. I just watched the city, the planes flying in and out. I have no clue what Mike's problem is. It was really unreasonable to ask that of me. I mean, if he wanted me to be a part of his family, he shouldv'e came when I needed him. I head back into my room and lay down on my bed. I fall asleep.

~Time Skip~

I wake up the next morning, go down stairs and fix myself some breakfast. Waffles, of course. Just before I finish eating Ethan comes and sits across from me.

"So... I have an answer for why Dad is being... the way he is."

"Really, because I have no clue." I said with no emotion.

"He told me not to tell you this, but I had a twin sister." He states simply.

"Oh, had?" I was pretty sure I already knew what he was going with this, but I didn't want to sound mean or anything.

Er, yeah, up until 2 years ago, and she died of cancer." I can tell Ethan is trying to hold back tears.

"So... when you were 15... and he wants me to... replace her." I guess.

"Yeah, and I can see why you are mad, and I can see why he is unhappy. Her name was Lilly, and you guys are nothing alike."

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I don't really know what to say. But I can say that I am not going to change." I say, not going to give in because of sympathy. I did feel really bad, but it was still absurd. 

"I'm not asking you to, but I just didn't want you to wonder why he was acting like that. It's not your fault." 

"Ok, thanks. I know it was probably hard for you to talk about that." I walk around and hug him. Well, at least we got that cleared up. There was still no way I was going to change. I love my life, or the one I had back home. This was going to be interesting.

~Author's Note~

Ok then. I don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I think it is going to work. I actually just came up with the Lilly part like 2 minutes ago. I hope you like it, and feedback would be cool, because I am unsure of the small twist. But yeah. OH! I have news. So I said I was going to the Catching Fire library thing... and I won! I was in District 5, the trivia was a piece of cake though, so I don't see how everyone was getting the questions wrong. I mean, what was the change in the first Quarter Quell? Do you really not know that? But yeah, I won the 2 tickets to the 8 p.m. showing on Thursday, I'm a bit confused though, because I thought it came out on Thursday at midnight, and playing through Friday morning, but what ever. It was awesome, and I was playing against high-schoolers. Take that. Ha. Anyways guys, I hope you all enjoyed this installment of Abused without BajanCanadian. take care.

Abused without BajanCanadian (Sequel to Adopted by BajanCanadian) *COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now