Chapter 14

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Are you proud of me? I am posting two days in a row! That never happens... and I am still using my mom's Kindle so I can't put anything in bold or italics sadly. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~

Second day of school, still waiting for that real piece of homework. I was sitting in class with my head down, reading a book I had gotten from the school's library. The teacher, who's name I forgot, was talking to the class about bullying, and the school's zero tolerance rule. My old middle school had that rule, and look at how that turned out. To avoid any attention on me, I refused to make eye contact with anyone. 

"Class dismissed." I distinctly heard. I closed my book, gathered my stuff, and left the room. my next class was English, which I assumed would be similar to math, which I had just left. I sat in the back corner and opened my book again. the bell rang, signaling the start of class, but I didn't make any signs of acknowledging it. 

"Miss Evangeline." I looked up slightly at the sound of my name.

"Yes Mrs.... Scott" I had to review my schedule for her name. 

"Please put the book away, and look at me when I talk to you." I shut the book, putting it under the fold of my binder. She continued her speech while I doodled on my paper. 

"Miss Evangeline!" The teacher said loudly. I quickly put the paper away. "Excuse me." I looked up, making eye contact for the first time. 

"Sorry." Mrs. Thomas looked as if she had seen a ghost. Well, she almost had.

"Oh, my. Er, are you in some way related to..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, I am." I said simply. The pictures I had seen showed Lilly's vibrant blue eyes, but I din't think mine were as bright, contrary to others' beliefs. The teacher didn't say anything, but there was a wave of whispering over the students. So much for staying anonymous. The bell rang and I quickly left the room. By the time 5th block had started, everyone knew that I was Lilly and Ethan's cousin, even though I hadn't said anything about it. I walked in to class and everyone stared at me. I ignored them.

~Time Skip~

I got to the final class, science, my 2nd least favorite. A couple of girls with a bunch of make up on and special brand shoes came up to my seat.

"So you are Lilly's cousin?" The front girl asked, what seemed like the leader. I nodded.

"Why don't you sit next to us at lunch tomorrow, I had heard the Lilly was quite popular before."

"Um, no, thanks. I am perfectly happy by myself." I said this politely. The girls behind gasped and they stalked away. So much for me having friends, they were going to tell everyone I was a freak, no doubt. As school ended I clambered on the bus home. When I arrived, I grabbed whatever snack I could find as quickly as possible and dashed upstairs, hoping to not encounter Mike on the way up. Successfully. 

I grabbed my iPod and Skyped with whoever, which happened to be Mitch.

M: Mitch E: Eevee

M: How was school?

E: Fine, boring as usual. I miss being home schooled.

M: I'd think so. I'm glad I graduated

E: Well, don't rub it in my face :3


E: How's life back home?

M: Boring as well, but we are still on the recording grind.

E: Aw, I miss that, too.

M: Speaking of which, when are you getting a PC? we can help pay if you need.

E: It's not that I can't afford it, but I think it is best for Mike if I don't record anymore

M: Why

E: I have a feeling

M: Well, ok

E: Gotta go bye!

M: Bye!

I signed off the conversation to avoid more interrogation. That was close, but I don't think it would sit well with Mitch if he knew what was going on.

"Dinner!" I heard Ethan from down stairs. I climbed down slowly. I saw two plates and a micro-wavable pizza on the table. i assumed Ethan had made it. I sat down and we ate, talking mostly about school. as we finished, I picked up the dishes and began to clean them.

"Oh you don't have to do that, I can."

"But you cooked. Do you really want to do the dishes."

"Fair enough." He helped me clear the table and headed up stairs to do homework. Apparently they get homework right away in senior year. I don't hear the person come down the stairs behind me due to the running water.

"Hey Evangeline. I got a call from your teacher about a someone that you are not supposed to talk about." It was Mike, and I'm assuming he was talking about Lilly.

"I didn't say anything about the subject." I turned off the water and faced him.

"Don't you dare lie to me!" He got close enough for me to smell his breath, which I wish I didm't; it reeked of alcohol. I saw his arm come up and his fist connect to my temple.


"Don't you dare lie to me, bitch, I know it was you."  I was on the floor, my ankle hurt and my cheek was stinging. Miss Julia was towering over me after inflicting this damaged. 

I relived this flashback, thinking of how I had gotten out of it. Mitch couldn't help me here.

~Author's Note~

I don't even know what is happening, but I got a chapter out. I was rereading the first book, thinking it was really good, then remembering that I wrote it. I, for some reason, think that good books have some sort of problem and then solution, not just fluff. So if you want to write a story that is what I recommend, problems. That sounds depressing. I found a computer also :3. Anyways, i hope you all enjoyed this installment of Abused without BajanCanadian, take care.

Abused without BajanCanadian (Sequel to Adopted by BajanCanadian) *COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now