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"AHHH!" I must have pressed the snooze one too many times, it was already 6:30 and I had to leave by 7....

I ran to our bathroom and threw off my clothes. As I was running into the shower, Theo was getting out.

"Woah!" He covered his eyes, trying not to look at me but I was too late to care about anything. It was my senior year and I was gonna miss my first day.

I took the quickest shower in history and dabbed on some lotion and a little foundation. I didn't have time to do my full makeup routine so I stuck with the "no makeup look."

As I ran down the hall, I stopped by my study and grabbed my backpack and raced down the stairs. Theo was waiting by the door with a bagel and tumbler of coffee.

"Thanks! See you later!"

"Good luck on your first day!"

"You too!" I shoved the bagel in my mouth and the coffee down my bag and jumped into my car. I was a little farther away from school now so I was supposed to leave earlier. On the drive to school I realized I forgot what Theo's new job was and never actually talked about his stuff much. I have to remind myself to ask him later.

I drove a little faster and barely got on campus on time. Thank god for designated parking!

Since I went to the private school, school was a little nicer... Obviously since we paid for everything. I had my own parking spot and thankfully it was right next to my home room.

"Maya, right on time as always. Here is your schedule." Mrs. Evans was my home room teacher and at our school we have the same home room each year so thank god I knew where I was supposed to be.

I sat down in the back and saved a seat for Sadie. As I waited for Sadie, I looked over my schedule. I had all APs and was dreading my class list this year. The only class though I was really worried about was Calculus BC because there was a new teacher and I wasn't sure if he was gonna be all that great.

"Maya! Did you hear about the new math teacher? He's supposed to be like really hot and really young!" Of course Sadie only cared about that... Honestly I don't understand how she maintains her grades...

"Ugh huh... So you still coming over tonight?" We talked about our plans after school and looked for our classes together while we waited for 1st period to start. Since Sadie and I had the same home room we also had a lot of other classes together like Calc, English, and Government. We waited in front of our 1st period together and talked about how difficult this year was gonna be.

The doors finally opened and the Calc teacher opened the door. Everyone rushed in and I was talking with Sadie so didn't get a look at him. When the bell rang he started to call attendance.

"Sadie Ash?"

Everyone looked at Sadie and she just awkwardly sat back down. I was still talking with our other friends that I hadn't noticed anything.

"Ma..ya.. MAYA!" Sadie whispered and nudged me, trying to get my attention.

"What?!" I looked up where Sadie was pointing and Theo was standing there, behind the computer taking roll.

"Oh fuck no." The kids sitting near me turned towards me, giving me weird looks.

"Sadie... Graaay?..." Theo leaned sideways to look for me. I did an awkward wave and then an angry glare.


"Okay well then, ahem...." We kept looking back at each other while he finished taking attendance. Since today was the first day of classes, we just went over classroom rules and stuff like that. I tried to ignore him but I kept thinking about how everyone was gonna find out and how my life was gonna be ruined. After tormenting myself with paranoia, the bell rang and I stayed back to have a "chat" with Theo.

"What the fuck Theo! How the hell do you go around not telling me you're going to be working at my school?!" I was livid and shocked.

"I thought you were going to Corona High! I didn't know you were going to Central!" We just stared at each other. We were lost for words and knowing too well that this was the scandal of the year.

"Maya!" Sadie ducked her head in and called me. We were gonna be late for our next class.

"You better not say anything. If anyone asks just say we're family friends!"

I ran out the door and to my second class. Sadie was giggling the whole way saying "This is a fucking story for TMZ!" I couldn't even tell her to shut up cuz I knew she was right.

I could see the headlines 'High School Student Forced to Marry Teacher' or 'Predator Teaching Math at Central'

Oh dear god save me.

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