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School today went uneventful. I was worried that Ms. Stevens was going to come see me or that I'd run into her today but thank god that didn't happen. I guess she took the hint and decided not to bother me.

Since it was Friday, Maya and I had our date night. It took forever to get close to her and even still we don't see each other as a married couple. We're still getting to know each other and it would of been hell dealing with Ms. Stevens. Tonight we were gonna go and watch a movie and then grab dinner and do a little shopping.

When we first started our date nights, we didn't know where to go because we were worried that we would see people from school but now we weren't so worried. We could always say we ran into each other or that we were like family so it didn't seem like a big problem anymore.

"Theo! Let's go!" Maya was already waiting downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I ran down the stairs and grabbed my keys and wallet. Maya looked cute tonight, we were dressed pretty casual but she had a little more makeup on and even did her hair. "You look nice tonight."

She smiled and mouthed a thank you and followed me to my car.

"Are you excited for the movie?" Suicide Squad was playing in the theaters for some time now, but we never got to watching it.

"Yeah! Probably not as much as you though." Maya giggled. She couldn't stop talking about the movie and we had high expectations.

"Theo! Let's buy the DVD when it comes out!..." She kept talking about the movie on the way and we laughed a lot too. Even though a lot of our friends didn't enjoy it, Maya was determined to love it. She didn't care about the story line so much but she loved the characters and the effects. I on the other hand wasn't much of a movie person so I didn't really care what we watched, I just enjoyed watching Maya's reaction and behavior.

Ms. Stevens' POV

I got a call in the morning about having to do a conference. Mr. McCleod didn't realize he had a wrestling match so he was going to cancel the conference, but since it was important, he asked me to substitute.

I wanted to meet up with Theodore but since I didn't have a choice I decided to talk to him Monday.

The conference was long and boring, but I was able to get a few sponsors for our Math department so I guess all in all it was a good trip. The Vice Principal and I carpooled so we decided to stop by the mall to grab some food.

"Victoria what do want to eat?" Victoria Prell used to be the Math director when I first started working at Central. There weren't that many teachers that worked there as long as we did so we grew close and relied on each other for work. Whenever we went to conferences or other school-related trips, we always ate out and talked for hours.

"What about the Cheesecake Factory at the mall? I'm in the mood for some pasta!" After deciding where to eat we gossiped and talked about school.

"So how do you like Mr. Andrews? He's very handsome huh?" She gave me a raised eyebrow and nudged me.

"Yes..." We giggled a little and then I asked her opinion on asking him out.

"Honey, he is only 23? Or 24? A bit young for you don't you think?"

"Really? He seems so much older and mature... But he's so nice and I think he has a thing for me!"

"Well if you think so, might as well ask if he's single first."

Of course he's single or at least he probably is since he never said anything. I was for sure going to see him Monday and ask him for a date. He'd have the weekend to think about yesterday and probably come forward.

"Would you like a booth or table ladies?" We finally got to the restaurant and it was packed. Thankfully they had a few seats left and we decided to take a booth near the window.

After sitting down and ordering our food, I got up to use the restroom.
On the way I saw Theodore walk in.

"Theo..." I stopped halfway when I saw that he was with Maya...again...
Wasn't it weird that he was walking into a restaurant with one of his students? It wasn't like he was meeting up with a group of students but just her. I decided to follow them to their table and then I hid behind the wall.

"How'd you like the movie?" Movie?

"It was okay, Sadie was right though. It was kind of choppy and not the best but I loved the characters! What do you want to do next week?"

"I can't next week. I have parent conferences Thursday and Friday. We'll do something next week." Parent conferences were two weeks ago... If Theodore doesn't be careful, he could get in serious trouble!

"Theo!" Maya kept talking and nudging Theodore to take her out next week.

If I don't do something, this could get serious!

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