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Maya's POV

We got to school and Theo parked his car. Before we got out, there was a knock on Theo's window.

"Mr. Andrews. Miss Gray. My office." Ms. Stevens walked away and into the math building.

"Shit!" Theo cussed under his breath. He rarely cussed, but he looked seriously pissed.

"What the fuck. Theo what's going on?" I started panicking. It just hit me that I was still in his car and that she had seen me too.

Theo gave me a crash course on last Thursday. I was kind of shocked but I trusted Theo and already knew Ms. Stevens was a psycho bitch.

"The fuck... That bitch is crazy!" I grabbed Theo's face and looked him in the eye and told him he didn't have to worry. "Uncle David already knows we're married so he'll probably tell her to calm down and get over herself." Uncle David was Central's Principal and he was a close friend of pops. He told me that he'd deal with students or staff if they ever found out.

I gave him a quick text and told him to meet us at Ms. Stevens' office.

"It is the last week of school and I am not letting that cat lady ruin it!" I grabbed Theo's arm and dragged him to her office. Thank god there wasn't anybody at school yet or at least in the math building because I was paranoid that people would see us.

I opened the door and immediately noticed Ms. Stevens and I just glared at her.

"Please, sit down." I could tell Theo was getting nervous and I wanted to stay calm for him but I was worried that this was gonna be a lot bigger of a problem than I had thought.

Theo's POV

We sat down and Maya had her arms crossed and she kept tapping her foot impatiently.
Ms. Stevens sat down and there was a minute of awkward and tense silence.

"So...." She started to speak but Maya cut her off.

"Ms. Stevens!" Ms. Stevens looked at Maya sternly, but Maya didn't back down and said everything on her mind.
"How could you think Theo was flirting with you? He's just a nice guy and plus your almost twice his age!"

"Young lady! That is none of your concern. And it's Mr. Andrews to you!" There was another minute of silence, but by the look on Maya's face I could tell she was considering whether to drop the news right now or wait for David.

"NO! It's Mr. Andrews to you and Mrs. Andrews for me! Did you even consider asking whether he was single and whether the ring on his hand meant anything?!" I guess Maya chose now. She was full on roaring and she even held up her own hand to show Stevens that we had matching rings.

The two started arguing. For an older lady, she sure didn't hold herself back and they kept going back and forth over who was married to who and who was lying.

That's when David walked in.

"Maya! Get off of her!" Maya was about to get physical and she was all over Ms. Stevens when David pulled her away.

"What the hell is going on?" Maya sat back down and Ms. Stevens looked embarrassed for fighting with a high schooler. She looked like she was thinking about what to say and Maya just stared at her, daring her to make some stupid story up. I just sat down and didn't say anything because I knew Maya and I didn't want to get caught in the cross fires.

"Mr. Trover! What brings you here?" She acted all polite and collected but David didn't have any of it.

"Dana cut the bull. Why the hell did you bring them to your office and make such a big scene?"

Ms. Stevens looked shocked and tried to weasel her way out.

"Mr. Trover, Miss Gray here acts inappropriately with Mr. Andrews and I've seen her out in public following him around. She also claims she's married to him! Sir, this could be bad news for the school and Mr. Andrews could get in trouble!"

Maya's head fell into her hand and she let out the loudest sigh. "Oh my god!"

"Shhh." David shushed Maya and then looked back at Ms. Stevens. "Dana, I'm only gonna say this once. Maya and Theodore are married and have been since last year... For god's sake he's wearing a ring and they carpool to school! You need to drop this and apologize to them now! I should fire you for this!" David stormed out, making an dramatic exit.

Ms. Stevens sat back down and just looked at us, looking very confused. "You really think I'm gonna believe you two are married?"

"Ms. Stevens..." Maya tried to speak up, but Ms. Stevens cut her off.

"Just leave! Go to class!" We both got up and were about to leave when Ms. Stevens told me to stay.

I gave Maya a look and she just shook her head and left.

"Mr. Andrews, is this true? If it isn't you two could get in serious trouble... I could help you."

I've about had enough. Maya had already explained that we were married and David even came in and told her. She was on the verge of losing her job for making a commotion yet she still wouldn't believe anyone.

"Yes, we've been married for almost a year now. If you bothered to look at my file and Maya's you'll see that our addresses are the same and her last name is actually "Andrews" now."

There was a huge moment of silence and it looked like she finally took it in. I was beginning to wonder what time it was and how I was going to be late for my first period. "Ms. Stevens, we'd like to keep this a secret since Maya is still young and it may raise questions... Please let it go." I got up slowly and left, closing the door a little more carefully.

As I walked down the hall, our eyes met and gave Maya the raised eyebrow look. She just raised her shoulders and shook her head.

Thank god David came in and Ms. Stevens knows everything now. Maybe she'll give up and let everything go now.

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