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I met up with Sadie after my last period.

"Hey Sade, let's hang out next time. I've got to talk to Theo." She gave me a nod and an okay sign and we said goodbye.

I kept thinking about how the whole school was going to find out and how Theo could get in serious trouble if we didn't say we were married, but then I didn't want to say anything. I kept thinking and thinking and I didn't even remember how I drove home. I looked at my phone and it was only 2:3o; since I didn't have a 6th period and Theo did, I knew it was gonna be a while before he got home. My head was pounding and everything was so complicated. I decided to take a run.

I dropped off all my books and my backpack and got dressed. I grabbed my Bluetooth earphones and grabbed Pinky's leash. She hadn't had a good run for a long time so she got really excited. I needed to clear my head too so we took off.

I ran for a good hour and was halfway home when I got a text from Theo saying he was almost ready to leave for home. I sprinted the rest of the way home and hurried and washed Pinky's feet. I skipped some stairs and rain straight into the shower.

I never took hot showers and so the water was usually cool but today I needed a cold shower. I turned the knob all the way down and just tried to wash away all the chaos and paranoia. After my shower, I waited in the living room for Theo, planning out what I was going to say.

Theo's POV

The whole drive home I thought about how it was possible I was teaching at Maya's school. I thought she was going to my old high school and never in a million years thought about asking which school she was going to. I just figured since we grew up in the same neighborhood and she went to the same elementary and middle school as I did, she was going to go to my high school... I never would have guessed... On top of that, what's the coincidence that she would be in MY math class?

The drive home felt too quick, I needed more time to think about how I was gonna calm down Maya. She went ballistic when she figured out she was supposed to marry me, how was she gonna take me teaching at her school?

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Like a horror movie, Maya was sitting on the sofa and she was the first thing I saw when I walked in. She had this emotionless expression and I couldn't tell whether she was mad or something.


"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna teach at Central?"

"I don't know, honestly you never even asked. It just never crossed my mind that you'd be going to Central either."

"I didn't even know you had become a teacher."

"Yeah... We really need to talk and get caught up." For the next hour or so we just talked about what we were gonna do. We decided not to say anything because it would have been awkward to tell the staff and students we were married, plus I had just gotten the job and didn't want this to affect it. A lot of the students and staff knew each other through family and business so we could always say we were close family friends. Hopefully, we would be able to avoid any drama and scandals.

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