7 + feel-good

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A/N: i've never really written little vocabulary, so it's awkward to write; especially given i'm a fucking grammar freak. so please forgive me.
. . .

Chris was really good at calming me down. It's kind of weird how good he is at this. It's like he knows everything I'm thinking and exactly how to make it better.

"Can I ask you somethin'?" I ask, trying to maintain a less.. little.. vocabulary. If he doesn't know, I don't want him to. Not yet, anyway.

Running his fingers through my hair again, Chris nodded. "Mhm. Go ahead." He told me. I stole a glance at him before looking back down at the half empty cup of his blood I was holding, stirring it with the straw I'd been chewing on.

"What do you know..? Or-.. What have you figured out..? 'Bout me, I mean..? If anythin'.." I said, putting the straw to my lips and taking a small sip, peeking up at Chris through the curtain of my hair.

He just gave a hum and continued petting my hair, which, I liked. Since my hair is getting pretty long, I play with it a lot, too. "Only what's obvious." He said.

That's a pretty blunt statement.

"So you know I'm a little..?"

"Nope. Not until you told me just now." He said casually, seeming unfazed. "It was pretty obvious, but I didn't want to dive right in and assume that's what you were." He said.

I should've been mad that he tricked me, but I kinda sorta maybe walked into that one. So, one point Chris, zero points me.

I played with the straw again, nibbling on it. I finally gave up and let my vocabulary slide downhill, because there's no point hiding it since he knows now. Plus, I've been acting big since I left Andy's and if I don't like going so long; it's sorta hard..

"Awe yew mad?" I asked him with a doe eyed look. It's not easy to look all cutesy and innocent with orange eyes. They'll go back to green once I get enough blood, but right now, they look kind of like pumpkin guts.

"Of course not," Chris said, keeping an arm around me loosely. He'd been meaning to get up for awhile, but I didn't let that happen. "You wouldn't be the first little I've dealt with, sweetie." He said.

I knew it! I knew he was too good at this.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded a bit, gently scooting me off of his lap so he could stand up. "I look after a friend of mine's boyfriend sometimes. He's a lot like you, except a whole lot chattier." He said. He took the cup I was holding, ruffling my hair when I sat up and gave a pout. "I'm just gonna get you some more blood," He said, and I relaxed a bit as he walked to the kitchen.

"Maybe I could meet them sometime?" I asked, peeking over the couch to watch Chris quietly. He hid a smile, humming as he made a quick cut in the palm of his hand, making a fist over the cup. I watched the blood drip, licking my lips slowly.

"We'll see," Chris replied. "I think you'd get along with him." He said. I beamed, sitting happily while I waited for him to walk back. "What do you want to watch?" He asked as he walked back to the couch and sat beside me, handing the cup over to me. He had put a new straw in, but he left the chewed up one too.

He probably figured that I'd chew on the first one and have the other one to actually drink with. I just see it as another straw I can chew on, honestly.

It's not the best habit, but chewing on stuff keeps me busy. Hoodie strings, straws, sleeves, my fingers.. The only thing I wont chew on is hair, because it'd be gross if I got that in my mouth.

"How 'bout.. Supernatural..?" I suggested. He quirked an eyebrow but put it on regardless, wrapping an arm around me again.

I shyly cuddled up against him, sipping the blood and chewing on the straw again.

A/N: this story has no plot. i hate not having a plot, but i kinda like this story so, it's staying.

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