15 + boredom

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Groaning dramatically, I flopped down onto the couch and crossed my arms as I stared up at the ceiling. After the whole 'having sex with Chris' thing, he's pretty much adopted the daddy role. I sure wasn't complaining; he was everything I'd look for in a daddy- and a great dick..

But, unfortunately for him, that means he has to deal with my moodiness. When I'm bored, I go from 'I'm bored, can we fuck?' to 'I'm bored, so I'm gonna cry or whine. Drama king.' to 'I swear, if we don't do something right now, my fist is gonna go through the wall. I'm bored and I don't like it, and nothing is entertaining or interesting enough for me.'

I don't necessarily like to be naughty, but Chris is pretty sexy when he's angry- even if I've only ever seen him sort of mad when he was on the phone the other day. He just gets this look in his eyes that makes my knees wobbly.

And he's already reassured me that he'd never ever hurt me, and that if I didn't like something he'd stop; so I trust him. Call it too fast, whatever, I don't care.

I whined dramatically to get his attention. He was making dinner, so I had to be loud enough so he could hear me all the way from the kitchen.

He didn't even glance at me, so I tried again. "Daddyyyy," I groaned, kicking my leg to make a slight noise with the blanket. "Daddyyyyyy.."

I heard him set something down, and he peered out of the kitchen at me. "Yes?" He asked casually.

I sat up, pouting as innocently as possible. "I'm bored." I proclaimed sweetly.

He quirked an eyebrow. "And?" He asked. "There are a lot of things you could do. Watch TV.. Read a book.. Draw," He listed, tapping a finger against the counter with every suggestion.

"I've already done all those things," I whined. He sighed and turned to put whatever he was cooking- lasagna, I think. I've got a great sense of smell..- in the oven before walking over to lean over the back of the couch.

"And what exactly would you like me to do about that? I do have work to do, little one," He noted.

I scowled a bit and twirled my hair. "I dunno," I trailed off, batting my eyelashes. "Play with me?" I gushed.

I could see a flare of interest, but he masked it pretty quickly. "I'll play with you after I finish up with the work I've got to do, sweetheart." He said.

I could hear that he was trying to hide the interest, but I know he hates procrastinating. He's a bit of a freak about getting things done.

But, I wanna play. And when I wanna play, I don't mess around.

"I wanna play, Daddy," I said, still pouting. "I don' wanna wait." I whined.

"I know, pumpkin, but Daddy needs to get his work done before that.. You're just going to have to wait," He said. I'm surprised he was keeping so calm.. Andy never had this much patience with me.

"But, Daddy-"

"No buts."


"What did I just say?" He warned, pursing his lips. I huffed. "I'll just go play by myself, then," I said, smiling and batting my eyelashes.

That's the statement that could push any Daddy over the edge. I mean, what Daddy likes the idea of being left out when it's play time? I don't know of any.

Daddy's eyes went black, and he licked his lips slowly, looking down at me with that damn look that makes my knees all wobbly..

"Work can wait, can't it, Daddy?" I purred. He merely pointed to the hallway. "Bed. Now."

Now that's what I like to hear..

A/N: hahaha cliff hanger bc i'm too sucky to write some more smut. anyway. got a few new stories up on 570jpg - a Chris/Ryan, and also a Ghorror (that's a surprise..)

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