30 + lucipurr

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A/N: yo, new covers. yah or nah? anyway, i'm really happy with how Drown Me is going so far- i feel like it'll be goods?? then again, i've never written femdom. anyway, on with yet another short af chapter.

"M'gonna call 'im Lucipurr, Daddy," I said proudly as I finished toweling off the kitty in my lap- who, surprisingly, had been rather easy to bathe. Then again, I know how to give cats baths the right way, so I had put a towel down so he had something to hold on to. Kitties don't like to slide all other the place. "We can keep him," I said, "..right?" I asked with doe eyes.

Daddy faked a really dramatic sigh. "You've been so very naughty, my dear, but I'd never make you get rid of a cat- I can tell how much you love them. But having a cat is going to cost you," He teased me, and I flashed a fanged grin.

"I can blow you every day for a whole month, Daddy. I mean, I'd do it either way, but still," I giggled, laying on my stomach in the big hotel bed with Luci pulled close to me. "I just love to choke on your cock, Daddy.. If I wasn't so sleepy, you'd be fucking my whore mouth right now.." I said in my sweetest voice.

Daddy just smirked. "I know you'd love that, my little slut," He said, smacking my ass hard enough to make me squeak, only cause I was surprised. "But I'd watch my language if I were you, little one. You're already going to get your punishment once we get home," He told me, "Would you really like to add onto it?"

"No, Daddy," I said with a pout, batting my eyelashes at him. He chuckled, leaning down and kissing the top of my head. "Such a good boy you can be now and then," He said, sitting down at the edge of the bed and petting Luci gently. "Are you thirsty, love?" He asked.

I nodded a little, playing with my fingers. "Mh-hm.. May I pwease bite yew, Daddy? On the neck..?" I asked, though I definitely didn't deserve it lately. I'd only bitten Daddy's neck once or twice. Not because the location gives me more blood or anything, cause it really doesn't.. It's just more intimate and nice, I suppose.

Daddy let me crawl into his lap, and he wrapped his arms around me, which always made me feel really safe.. Then again, anything Daddy does makes me feel safe and secure.

"Go ahead, little one." He said.

Licking my lips slowly, I beamed. I gave Daddy a quick kiss on the lips before shifting to kiss his neck, scraping my fangs along his skin lightly before biting happily. Daddy always tastes so good.. I mean, vampire or not, I love the way he tastes- in more ways than one, really.. Still. His blood isn't too iron-y or too sweet, and like I've said before; it's thick.

His blood is better than dope ever was, truthfully. I just know I'm going to sleep really well after this.

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