24 + i was wrong

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A/N: rq lmao i started two new fics in case anyone's interested. one is sitkolson ofc. the other is a teacher/student angeless but you guys know it wont JUST be teacher/student bc. c'mon. you should know by now. anyway, here's this. get ready for a shit storm.
. . .

"It's not fair!" I cried, stomping my foot. I was already in a bad mood, but now this? I can't do it. "You've always gotta work, please don't go," I whimpered pathetically. It wasn't even like he was leaving town- or even the state. In all actuality, he just had to spend a few nights up more toward the city for some meetings and other boring stuff, but I can't be all by myself.

"Sweetheart," Daddy tried to say, frowning. "I wont be gone long. You can stay with Josh and Ryan-Ashley while I'm out, alright? I promise I'll be back as soon as possible," He said gently.

But being the stubborn, moody little fuck I am, I wasn't having it. I balled up my fists, looking up at him with teary eyes. "If you love me, you wont go," I said. I knew I'd regret it later, but it just.. came out.

Daddy stared at me looking almost disappointed, but mostly just sad. "Baby, you know I do have to work, right? It isn't that I don't love you, because I do, I really do.." He said gently, reaching a hand out to touch my shoulder lightly.

Sniffling, I batted his hand away and stumbled to the door. It was cold and rainy outside, but I didn't care. I probably should have put shoes on before running off, though.

I heard Daddy shouting for me, but I just felt so out of it. I spend all my time bottling up when I'm sad or upset, and when I finally let it all out, it's a big problem.

I didn't turn around to see if Daddy had come running after me; I didn't wanna know.

I ran for a long time, only stopping when I stepped on a piece of glass, tripping and cutting my hands and chin in the process.

The rain had gotten worse, and I was soaked at this point. For a few minutes, I just laid on the sidewalk, staring off at nothing. I finally forced myself to sot up, and I started bawling again, because it turns out, glass hurts a whole lot and it doesn't help that I bashed my jaw off of the cement.

It was pretty apparent by then that I had fucked up big time. I was wrong, though I hate to admit it. I hate that I overreacted so much..

I looked around for a street sign, sniffling. I had to squint, my eyes still glassy with tears. I got to my feet, whimpering in pain. I didn't have my phone on me, and I didn't feel like walking with glass sticking out of my feet.

So I did what any little probably would have done- well, maybe. I'm sure there are littles who aren't such babies. But anyway.. I sat back down, crying like a total bitch.

Sometimes I forget how fast I can run. When I left, it hadn't even occurred to me just how far I'd get. So now I'm practically stranded on a street I don't know, and on top of that, it's getting dark out.

I wished I hadn't been so dramatic. I probably made Daddy feel awful, and that makes me feel really bad. Another reason to cry, I guess.

It got dark, and I hadn't moved an inch. The rain never let up, so by now I was cold, sopping wet, bloody, tired and absolutely miserable.

My teeth were chattering, and I hugged myself tight. Sweatpants and a loose fitting t-shirt didn't provide me with much warmth..

I tried to flag down a few cars to try and borrow a phone, but this is Pennsylvania. It's pretty close to New York, and New Yorkers are assholes, so people around here sort of are as well. So no on pulled over, and no one even seemed to notice me.

I gave up, just sitting miserably and trying to pry shards of what had probably been a busted beer bottle out of the bottoms of my feet, along with my hands. It hurt, but leaving the glass there wouldn't make it feel any better.

I wish I could turn the clock back a couple of hours.. I feel so pathetic.

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