29 + car ride

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The car ride was really boring on the way to the hotel we were going to be staying at for Daddy's meeting. I hate being bored..

Daddy had the radio on, but the weather was sort of yucky so he was pretty focused on driving and I didn't wanna bug him.

At this point, I had my head resting against the glass against the window. It was dark out, but only three in the afternoon. Scranton gets some pretty yucky storms- there are flash flood warnings right now, but I mean.. it's not like Daddy or myself can die from human stuff, so we're driving anyway.

I was about to call playing a game on my phone quits and take a nap, but I saw something and squeaked. "Daddy pull over a second-" I blurted, putting my hands on the window and staring out it.

"What's wrong?" Daddy frowned, thankfully pulling over. "I saw a kitty and I don' wan' it'ta get hurt," I whined. Before he could question me any further, I got out of the car and carefully stumbled my way down into the ditch.

It was sloppy and muddy, but I was determined. Kitties don't deserve to be out in flash floods- it's no fair. And if no one else cares enough to help this little guy, I'm gonna do it myself.

I approached it slowly, because the poor thing looks scared already. I think he was near frozen, because it was cold out. I scooped him up carefully and made my way back to the car, climbing into the back seat since there were a few of my blankets.

Daddy frowned a bit. "Someone must have left him there.." He murmured. He was right. Cats don't usually get anywhere near the highway. "Is he alright?" Daddy asked me, turning the heat on.

I bit my lip and started to try and dry the kitty off with the blankets, desperate to make sure the fluffy little guy was warm and safe now. "I think he'll be okay.." I said softly. "How could anyone leave an animal like that? And in weather like this?" I whined miserably.

Call me a pussy, but I actually felt like crying. Cause I love cats. I love animals in general but I love cats. Knowing that there are people who would just ditch their poor animals on the highway- or anywhere- is upsetting. Is it really that difficult to turn them in to no-kill shelters or something like that rather than just getting rid of them so awfully?

This is why I hate humans, and it's why when I used to be a little more vicious, when I still bit strangers rather than drink bagged blood or blood from people I care about, I didn't care. Because humans are awful- they don't deserve sympathy if they can hurt animals and do it so casually.

I ended up falling asleep in the back seat with the kitty held close. I hope he knows he's safe now and no one's ever gonna hurt him again..

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