13 + good boy

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A/N: a.) sorry this is all i've been updating lately...... b.) sorry for not updating all day. i had to go shopping, aaaaaaand then i threw up like 3+ times because i got heat exhaustion yet again (yay, i know.) so it's been a yuck as fuck day indeed. anyway. i'm kinda tired as fuck, so pleeease cut me some slack. if i'm not busy i'll try and get everything (or at least most of my shit) updated tomorrow. anyway.

I laid in bed, pouting as I shifted around, trying my best to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. There weren't many options. I could take a bath.. again. I could watch cartoons.. again.. Maybe I should go with jacking off. Maybe taking a bath and jacking off. Because well, who's gonna stop me?

Andy isn't here to be a meanie, and I don't have to ask or tell him when I wanna get myself off anymore. I win, finally!

But I'm pretty sure Chris was trying to sleep.. I don't wanna be noisy and wake him up, cause that would be mean and rude and I don't exactly wanna be either of those things..

I wonder if Chris would play with me if I asked really nicely. I've been told I have a really good puppy-dog face. I'm a cat person.. but, whatever works.. I guess maybe I'll try asking in a little while.

x • x • x

I raised a hand to the door in front of me and knocked lightly, feeling pretty small as I waited. It would be really awkward if Chris was still sleepy.. I don't wanna be naughty and wake him up..

I relaxed a little (a lot) when Chris opened the door, wide awake but wearing only sweatpants. I guess he had gotten some sleep after all. He flashed a smile and leaned a shoulder against the doorway. "Hey, Ry. You need something?" He asked me, and I couldn't help but gulp. He's so nice and friendly and stuff, and he tries to make sure everyone that talks to him- myself included,- is comfortable, but he's still oddly intimidating. Maybe not so oddly, but you get it..

"I.." I trailed off, the words stuck in my throat. "I um.. I.. was wondering.. if maybe, um.. maybe we could play..?" I shyly said, peeking up at him through the curtain of hair over my face.

I half expected him to be mean about it, but then I remembered that he isn't Andy; he's nice, not mean..

"Are you sure?" He asked gently, stepping out of the door frame so I could walk in, which I did.

I just nodded quickly, tugging on my hoodie a bit impatiently. He gave a hum, slowly licking over his lower lip. "Well," He mused, "You have been such a good boy.." He said.

My cheeks flushed pink and I bit my lip, looking up at him. Chris backed me up against the wall, and I had to stand on my tippytoes to kiss him, even though he leaned down a little for me.

I'm almost a hundred percent sure he wasn't wearing boxers or anything under those sweatpants, and I could feel his bulge pressed up against me due to the close proximity..

"And what kind of playing did you have in mind, little thing?" He asked me, kissing my neck and making me shiver.

"Fff-" I whined. Not wanting to cuss out loud, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "F-word me-" I requested, my voice shaking almost as much as my knees.

He chuckled a bit, and I blushed even deeper. "If that's what you want.." He murmured, hands trailing down to my ass, he picked me up off the ground and moved us to the bed. One thing I noticed about Chris is that he has pretty big hands.. I'm sure that's not the only thing that's big. You know what they say about dudes who have big hands..

Big cocks.

And he's tall, too. Maybe I should be scared..? Nervous..? I dunno, but I know I want him to fuck me into next month. What can I say? I'm a horny vampire with a dirty mind.

I was pretty anxious and I was definitely quick in tugging Chris's sweatpants down. I was right- he does have a big cock..

He got me undressed so quick I almost
thought I was dreaming. I guess he's probably used to this sort of thing- I'd be surprised if someone told me he didn't have sex a lot. He's a demon. They tend to be horny.. And he's definitely attractive..

"You sure you want this..?" Chris mumbled as he kissed and nibbled at my neck, only making me moan and whine under my breath. "Mmf.. Uh-huh.."

"One more time? Just a double check?"

"Yes.. Please..? Ah- fu- mmf.."

If I believed in God, I'd be thanking him for how much lube Chris used. Usually, it'd hurt like fuck to get slammed right into. Don't get me wrong- I might be little, and I might be kind of fragile, but you wont see me complaining about getting nailed.

I like it rough when I'm actually consenting to it. Most guys wouldn't bother to ask again after I'm undressed, but I admired Chris for asking. Not even once, but twice. He was definitely making sure I wanted this, and believe me; I do.

Within seconds I was a moaning mess, and he kept my wrists pinned by my shoulders easily.

"Uh- ffu- a-ah, mmf.." I moaned out, trying my hardest not to cuss and act naughty. It's sort of hard when a sexy guy is fucking your brains out better than any other guy you've fucked.

I've slept with a lot of guys. Can you blame me? I'm almost two hundred and sixty years old, and you're nuts if you think I wasn't gonna snatch up any opportunity to get a cock up my ass. I like dick more than I like blood; that's a lot.

I moaned rather whorishly, kissing Chris back feverishly when he pressed my lips to mine. "Mh- Daddy~" I whined. I couldn't help it.

He didn't seem upset, though. In fact, he seemed pretty pleased with it. Those black eyes of his looked so sexy with that devilish smirk on his face as he fucked me.

"You're such a good boy," He purred between quiet grunts, one hand tangling in my hair. "You're Daddy's good little boy, hm? Isn't that right?" He mumbled, his lips moving to my neck.

I arched my back a bit, moaning loudly and panting softly. I was so damn close, but everything seemed to go in slow motion. "Mf-huh, u-uh-h-huh-" I nodded quickly, letting my eyes slip shut.

Chris nipped at my ear lightly, and I could swear he growled a little. It wasn't scary, though.. It was sexy. I'd be lying if I said otherwise.

"Cum for Daddy.."

A/N: surprise smut. hahahahah. it sucks i'm sorry please don't kill me alright it's been a longass day and i don't have the gift of fanfuckingtastic smut writing like everyone else on this app does okay cut me some fucking slack motherfuckers..... do you know how hard it is to click publish knowing my smut scene sucks? it's DIFFICULT AS FUCK. goodnight.

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