28 + daddy's brat

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I could get away with being bratty.

Daddy tried to be patient with me, too. He put my pajamas on me and tucked me into bed, laying beside me.

But I was horny. Really horny. And when I'm horny, I'm gonna do something to fix it.

Daddy wasn't having any of my nonsense, though. But he was horny too, judging by the bulge in his boxers.

He was being really stubborn, though.. Any time I tried to get him to play with me, he'd swat me on the ass. Not too hard, but hard enough.

I finally got sick of trying and shoved my hand down my pants instead.

Daddy looked at me and set the book in bis hands aside. "Baby," He said. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked sternly. I ran my tongue over my lower lip. "I wanna play, but you wont play with me.. so I can jus' do it myself," I stated.

Quirking an eyebrow, Daddy's eyes scanned me up and down. "And who said you could do that, hm?" He asked, sitting up a bit.

I bit my lip, peeking up at him. "Me." I said. Daddy clicked his tongue. "Well," He began. "I never agreed to it," He said, pulling my hands up and holding them in place.

I whined. "But Daddy, I wanna play," I said, pouting. I could see a faint smirk on Daddy's lips, and he tilted his head. "But you've been so bratty lately," He told me. "And brats don't deserve to stay up late to play." He said. "You'll just have to wait until tomorrow morning, now wont you?"

I huffed. "I'm not waiting, Daddy," I said. He just shook his head and smirked. "Quite the little brat you are today, I see.." He said, mocking a sigh. "And bossy, too." He added.

I just glared, my eyes red. Daddy faked a gasp, acting surprised. "You're going to be in a lot of trouble if you keep this up, little one." He warned me. I just huffed and tried to pull my hands away from him.

Daddy pinned my wrists down with one hand and resting the other on my hip. "Don't make this difficult for yourself, sweetheart.." He purred, kissing my jaw.

Why's he gotta be so.. whatever the heck he is? I tried to be grumpy but he's making if not so easy! Gosh!

"Daddy," I whined softly. "Pretty please can we play..? I promise I wont be bad.. I'm sorry for being so naughty," I said.

Daddy chuckled, smirking. "How can I say no to my little brat?"

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