20 + damn

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I've never met a demon who didn't have a great dick. Unless they were a girl- not that I've fucked with any girls,- whatever. My point? Josh has a great dick.

Both of us were horny as fuck, but because we're both also shy as fuck, we were taking things slow. Really slow. There was a lot of giggling and blushing on both of our parts.

I dunno what it is about playing with other littles, but even with permission it feels sort of naughty? So it's like getting away with something you're not supposed to be doing, in a way, and it only makes the whole thing even sexier.

Josh stole my phone from me for a moment, taking a picture of me while I was getting my jeans off. I stuck my tongue out at him, giggling.

"Cute," He said sweetly, pressing the send button before leaning over to kiss me. I kissed back, giggling. He's got really soft lips- and he naturally looks pretty pouty so that's a bonus too.

I took my phone back and lightly pushed him backward on the couch, tugging his sweater and shirt off. "I like your tattoos," I said, and he grinned. "I like yours too," He said.

I dunno how many people picture littles as being these ink free, piercing-less princes and princesses but if people think that, they're dummies. We like tattoos and piercings just as much as any regular- um.. person..?- would.

I rested my hands on Josh's shoulders, kissing his neck and biting lightly. I guess he's a little sensitive with that, because it got a moan out of him. This is gonna be fun.

+ + +

"Was he alright, then?" Daddy asked Ryan-Ashley, who just nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "He was a perfect little angel." She said sweetly, "He's welcome over any time," She added gently.

Daddy placed a hand on the small of my back. "Thank you for looking after him, again.." He chuckled. "I'm glad to hear he acted well." He said.

Even if I was gonna get into trouble, I wouldn't have had time. I spent a real long time playing with Josh, which was fun. He's got a lot of hickeys at this point- then again, so do I.

I wouldn't have guessed it, but Josh is a biter. And I'm not talking like, just little love bites or whatever. I'm talking like.. biting. Hardcore biting. He's got some sharpass teeth, too, so it's no surprise he drew blood.

That's funny, if I think about it. I'm a vampire for fuck's sake, and I didn't draw any blood on him- but damn, I bled a lot. Not that I care; I like getting bitten.

I wonder if Daddy is jealous, though.

After a few more minutes of saying our goodbyes, Daddy and I headed home.

I'm still kinda horny, so I mean.. I'll probably try and get him to play with me when we get home. Hopefully he got all his work done with Ricky, cause I'm feeling like an attention whore today.

A/N: i was gonna write a smut scene, but i'm not really feeling the best (mentally) today, so i'll (maybe) make it up to you guys in the next chapter, i dunno.. keep your fingers crossed, i guess.

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