1. "There's always a tomorrow."

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The next day, right after work instead of going home, Frank started driving around in his car, trying to remember the random way he had driven the day before.

He had a bad day at work, he had gotten yelled at quite a lot and his co worker had told him that he seemed off, but that was because Frank's mind was dazed in images of 'the ice cream sweetheart' , as Frank referred to the man behind the counter who had served him, and nothing that came his way would make it into his head because it would bounce off the image of Gerard. Even when his boss yelled at him. It went in his ear and then straight out again, not getting past the gorgeous man.

And Frank had been staring at the clock all day, just wanting to get off work because he was shaking at the thought of seeing the sweetest man alive (in his opinion), again.

He was so scared that he'd make a fool out of himself, again, but even more so that he'd regret it for the rest of his life if he wouldn't at least try.

Maybe he was 'the one'.

Who knew?

He certainly would never find out unless he'd go back there.

No, he did not have a clue on what to say to him.

And he was sure he'd just stutter and chicken out.

But there'd always be a tomorrow where he could try again.

Frank's crush for someone he didn't even actually know was so bad that he completely forgot about him not wanting to eat anything unhealthy anymore.

He had promised himself to never eat ice cream again, but he had and was going to do so another time just to see the pretty man again.

It took Frank a while until he realized he wasn't going to find the café by just driving around and by the time he had found the address on his phone it was afternoon and well the day before he had been there around early noon.

But, he didn't worry about that quite yet.

He parked his car by the side of the street, close to where he had the day before and then got out and made his way to the café with a pounding heart.

"Gerard." Was what he kept muttering under his breath until he reached the small line infront of the cafe.

It must've been a very good one considering the line that day and the day before, but Frank hadn't payed much attention to what the ice cream had tasted like because all he could think of was the man behind the counter serving him.

Maybe, Frank thought, that's why they all were there.

Not because everyone wanted to have ice cream, they just came to see the pretty man working there.

Just like Frank himself.

And if that was true, then Frank thought he was certainly fucked because the highest he was was a six out of ten and everyone else could beat him in a beauty contest.

Frank couldn't see who was serving behind the counter that day, he was too short to see over all the people in line, but he just prayed to God, Buddha–just anyone who was listening–that it would his husba-um, Gerard, of course.

The time Frank waited in line seemed like fucking years to him and he was shaking again in anticipation, but really it wasn't that long.

It was exhausting for Frank, he kept his head down to his feet the whole time because he was so nervous and he was so scared to be disappointed.

And then there were no feet infront of him anymore and–


Frank snapped his head up, his heart sinking deep down in his chest as he saw the young woman behind the counter and he almost felt like crying.

And he hated himself for being so emotional.

So he quickly remembered himself about there always being a tomorrow, swallowed down the lump in his throat and ordered mint ice cream, like the day before. Just this time, he wanted to actually see what it tasted like so maybe he could tell Gerard about how he also liked his favorite ice cream. Just a thought he had.

He got his cup and then walked back to the car, slowly with his shoulders hung down, pressed down by the weight of disappointment.

But there always was a tomorrow.

(A/N) Thank you so so much for the votes and comments on the first chapter, I was really surprised ppl read it TBH! <3

I know this chapter is a bit boring and short, but it's gonna be better I promise! And since I've written all the chapters already I can upload soon!

Also I'm still waiting for the cover for this story and I'm really excited for it :)

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