4. "Endless waiting."

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Gerard had come to work about half an hour ago and now was around the time that his favorite customer would enter the café, which never failed to make Gerard smile.

His boss, a really nice elder lady, had noticed quite quickly that Gerard had a thing for their new regular customer and she kept telling him that she was sure it was mutual and that was the reason why he'd always come anyway.

But Gerard doubted that quite a bit because their ice cream was really good and a lot of people came for that, so why would Frank only come for him?

And also Gerard had left him so many hints and Frank never seemed to make a move on him.

But that day Gerard had decided to just be bold and ask him on a date.

It was about time, at least that's what his boss had said and it really gave him hope when she talked about how Frank would look at Gerard with 'those eyes'.

Gerard already prepared Frank's ice cream for him, knowing that he'd usually come in any second.

He chose vanilla ice cream so the heart he'd draw onto it would be more visible.

First he took the strawberry-sauce and drew a heart and then outlined it with chocolate sauce. He then added some sprinkles around the scoop.

He brought the plate to Frank's usual table in the back corner of the café, satisfied with the outcome of his ice cream 'art'.

Smiling, he walked back to the counter and served a little child who had been waiting outside by the window.

The boy was so small, he barely could look at all the flavors, so when he wanted to pay Gerard walked around the counter and outside to hand the little boy his cone.

"Here you go, kiddo." Gerard smiled at the wide grin the little kid made as he got his ice cream and it made Gerard really happy.

"Woah! Thank you!" He said holding his other hand out to Gerard.

Gerard bent down a little and held his palm out so the boy could give him the money and a lot of coins fell into his hand.

He giggled lightly. "Okay let's see."

The boy licked his ice cream, watching Gerard with big eyes as he started counting the money in his hand.

"It's from my piggy bank!" He told Gerard, smiling brightly and Gerard really didn't have the heart to tell the boy he didn't have enough money.

So he shortly decided to just let it slip.

"Well why won't you put it back in there and save some more?"

"Really?" The little boy's eyes twinkled in excitement as Gerard handed him his money back and nodded at him.

The boy smiled and turned around, Gerard watched him with a smile as he walked off until the boy suddenly came running back.

"What's wrong?" Gerard asked, crouching down to be at the boy's height who seemed so nervous all of the sudden.

Without a word he kissed Gerard's cheek, causing the both to blush and then he just ran off.

Gerard couldn't help but to giggle at what just had happened and went back inside.

He had totally forgotten about Frank– until he saw the still empty seat in the back, making him frown.

It worried him because Frank usually always would be on time, but he didn't think anything about it yet.

He thought maybe he just had some work to do or something, after all that's  why he hadn't been coming for a while anyway...though he had promised Gerard to come that day.

His ice cream had melted halfway by now so Gerard grabbed the plate and decided to make a new one.

He wanted to be extra good to Frank so he decided to give him three different flavors instead, putting a heart on each scoop and sprinkles around as before.

"Where's lover boy?"

Gerard turned around to see his boss standing behind him with her hand on hers hips, a frown on her face which suddenly made Gerard feel worried again.

"I-I don't know. He's late."

"He is."

Gerard looked down, biting his lower lip.

What if something bad had happened to Frank?

He usually never came late.

"Hey, don't worry, Gee." His boss patted his back and Gerard nodded small. "Maybe he's just sick or such. Alright? Now get back to work, people are waiting."

Gerard nodded again, hoping she'd be right and he smiled a little as he turned around to the counter and she patted his back again.

He was a bit off serving all the people that day, every time he'd hear someone coming through the door he'd snap his head and actually dropped a plate once.

His boss told him to get off early then, seeing he wasn't in the state to work that day and she was nice about it, but even then Gerard stayed in the café, sat at Frank's usual table, chewing at his finger nails.

He waited until they closed, he didn't show up.

And even after Gerard waited for a whole while outside, hoping that maybe Frank would come after all, until his brother called him and asked where he was–considering they had wanted to meet up that day.

With a heavy heart, Gerard went home and even in his dream he worried about Frank.

And then the next day, he didn't show up either.

The day after, neither.

And then, never again.

(A/N) sorry I didn't update so quickly as the other chapter! I was all caught up with starting school again...But I had a surprisingly good start and I'm so happy right now like–Wow!

When do you guys start school? 💖

(Also I'm sorry if there r many mistakes, I'm tired right now :c)

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