5. "Yoga and other cures for depression." (The end.)

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It had been months ago that Gerard had last seen Frank and he had lost all hope that he'd ever see him again which was rather sad because the more he thought of him, he felt like maybe he could've been 'the one'.

And even after almost half a year had went by, Gerard couldn't get him out of his mind.

His eyes, his smile, his voice.

Just him in general.

And Gerard missed him so much like it was a family member he hadn't seen in years.

It would happen sometimes that he saw someone from behind and would think it was Frank, causing his heart to flutter in happiness, but then they'd turn around or he'd see he didn't have Frank's pretty tattoos and it made Gerard even sadder as before.

People told him to get over it and of course he was trying desperately, but he just couldn't and the all too jolly Gerard turned into a sad, sad person.

He wanted to be so angry at Frank for just not coming back without an explanation, but he was more so worried over his state and he blamed himself for letting it happen.

All this time Frank had came into the café, Gerard could've at least asked for his number or his last name.

Maybe then they'd still be in contact somehow.

Gerard even worried that maybe the very last time Frank had been there his ice cream had tasted bad and that was why he wasn't coming back, but he doubted that.

He had grown a habit of always stopping everything he was doing and snapping his head quickly to any door, not just only when he was working in the café, but also when he was in shops or such, when someone would enter.

Hoping it was Frank.

He couldn't even go out without looking around frantically, trying to find a person in such a big crowed.

And he started to think that he'd die alone because he spent so much time looking for a person that he doubted even liked him back.

Because if he would, he'd come back to the café, or so Gerard thought.

It's not like he'd suddenly forget the way there, heck he'd visited every day!

His brother had set him up for a date that day, but Gerard had chickened out immediately after entering the restaurant and then quickly turned around and made his way to Starbucks.

He felt guilty texting his brother to cancel the date with that guy, but he couldn't help that he just wanted one person.

One person he doubted to ever see again.

It was clear for anyone who walked by that Gerard was sad, really sad. He didn't even make an effort to look nice for his date. His hair was greasy, he had dark circles under his eyes because he had stayed up all night in nervousness to meet that guy and he was wearing the same shirt he had slept in.

He got his drink and went outside, deciding to walk around a bit, rather than sitting down in Starbucks which was pretty crowded.

He looked at all the different shops he walked by, occasionally stopping at the window when something caught his attention.

A new comic book store had opened, he would definitely come back to check that out one day.

Just not today, today he was too sad to do anything, even the things he liked.

Once his drink was empty he looked for the nearest trashcan and dropped it in, staring at the big building infront of him.

One story up he saw that there were people on treadmills behind the window and Gerard realized that it was a fitness center.

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