Epilogue: "The things we love never get old."

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Frank woke up to his love kissing his cheek and Frank's lips instantly curled into a smile.

His eyes fluttered open to see Gerard's pretty face.

"Good morning." The older man smiled, pressing his lips to Frank's, who had wanted to say 'good morning' back and because he didn't get the idea to just not, he mumbled it against Gerard's lips as he tried to kiss him.

"Frankie!" He giggled, that cute giggle that Frank adored ever since the first time he had heard it and it always made him smile.

His cheeks were a bit flushed as he mumbled a 'sorry', never loosing his smile as he stared at Gerard because in Frank's eyes he was the most wonderful person and Frank really found it hard to believe that he was with him.

"I have a surprise for you. Wait a second." Gerard told Frank, getting out of the bed with a giggle and Frank watched him with the permanent smile plastered onto his face as he rushed out of the room.

The first time Gerard had surprised him with something in the morning, Frank almost had started crying, thinking he had forgotten their anniversary, which surprised him anyway because he had counted ever since they started dating, but then it happened more often and well a morning surprise often just meant breakfast in bed because apparently Gerard liked pancakes and making them, a lot.

Frank pushed himself up into a sitting position with his back against the backboard and then let out a long yawn, stretching his arms out above him.

His shirt rose up at the movement, revealing his belly–that had gotten noticeably bigger, and the flap over the waistband of his boxer, something that would've bothered Frank years ago, but now he wouldn't even think about it.

And if it ever did happen that he thought about it and he'd worry, then there always was Gerard. He knew how to make Frank feel great about himself and he made him feel loved and appreciated.

It wasn't always easy for Frank to let love in, but Gerard was a patient teacher and he'd never risk to loose him again.

Frank looked down at his fingers, smiling as he twisted the golden ring that was around his ring finger, ought to be there forever.

Gerard came back in, so Frank looked up, seeing he had a tray in his hands.
It didn't smell like pancakes though, but Frank already had an idea on what it might could be and he was already grinning at the thought of it.

He watched as Gerard carefully climbed back into the bed whilst holding the tray and then sat it down onto Frank's chubby thighs that were covered by the blanket, also known as a great place to sit on.

Gerard grabbed Frank's face and pulled him closer, giving him a big smacker on his cheek.
"I love you!"

A smile curled onto Frank's lips as he looked at the bowl on his tray, rather than at what Gerard had just said.

The infamous ice cream heart was back.

"Is it vanilla?" Frank asked, ignoring Gerard's love confession, well more of he had been too distracted observing the tray in front of him to even realize what he had said.

But that was typical Frank, a bit off sometimes, but that was okay.

And so his love giggled and gave him another kiss on his cheek, leaning into him.

"Yes, Frankie."

"Awesome!" Frank grinned and grabbed the spoon that lay beside his plate. He shoveled some of the ice cream onto it, as suddenly he started to regret his choice of words.

He worried too much about anything really and right then he was trying to figure if maybe 'rad' would've been better than 'awesome', or if he shouldn't have said anything at all.

"Vanilla is rad, I mean." Left his lips, which he wasn't even completely aware of and he then turned to Gerard with the spoon, holding his hand under it incase the ice cream would dribble.

"I'm gonna feed you, alright?"

The older man giggled lightly, nudging his partner. "Yes, don't make it so awkward, Frankie."

And then Frank started blushing again, of course, and quickly brought the spoon to Gerard's lips, but with the luck he had managed to smear it all onto his upper lip as Gerard hadn't opened his mouth yet.

The both started laughing, Frank more out of an embarrassed manner and Gerard purely out of joy.

He loved Frank with all his heart, even though he managed to be so unbelievable awkward and shy sometimes.

"C'mere." He grinned, grabbing Frank's shirt to pull him closer and then smashed their lips together, sharing the taste of the ice cream with Frank who happily melted into their shared kiss.

As they pulled apart, Frank licked his lips with an approving humming sound.

"Damn, I love ice cream."

Gerard smiled. "I know you do, Frankie."

Frank nodded shortly. "Yeah, but do you know what I love more?"


Frank bit his lip and quickly looked down, starting to twist the ring on his finger again.

He smiled a little, cheeks flushing.


(A/N) thank you all for the nice comments and the votes. I really enjoyed writing this and it was so different to my other stuff.

I hope you enjoyed it too 💖


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