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Featuring Yosuga the Alcoholic and Kakashi the Tired Dad


"What are you doing in my house?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the lump on his couch. A whine erupted from the figure and they pressed their face into one of the pillows. "You don't want a team? What does that mean?" Another incoherent whine was heard, and Kakashi sighed. "Yosuga, you can't hide yourself in my house because you don't want to be a Genin Sensei."

"Why not?" Yosuga mumbled, sitting up and pulling the pillow onto her lap.

"Well first of all, I don't want you in my house. And second, because you don't have much of a choice." Kakashi went into the kitchen to pour himself a drink. "Since you didn't go into the ANBU, you have to be a Sensei." Yosuga groaned and followed him with her pillow in tow.

"Why me? I'm the head of the Shimizu Clan! That's stressful enough! Now I have to teach a bunch of losers how to be a ninja? None of the other Clan Heads have to do this, why me?"

"You literally asked to be a Jounin Sensei, Yosuga." Kiba said as he chewed on a barbecue stick. Kakashi nearly dropped his cup.

"When did you get here!?" He questioned. Kiba shrugged, taking Yosuga's pillow and putting it under his head as he went to lay down on the couch.

"I don't know, I got here when she got here." He said, taking another bite out of his barbecue stick. Kakashi rubbed his face, giving Yosuga a tired look.

"What did I tell you about bringing friends over?" Yosuga pouted at his words.

"Don't." She repeated what he had told her about twenty-six times. "Speaking of don't, I don't wanna be a Sensei."

"You asked to-"

"I know I asked, Kiba! This is your fault! You should have stopped me!" Yosuga snapped at him. "What's the point of being the Head's Advisor if you're not going to advise me?"

"I thought Daichi was your advisor." Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"The Head's Advisor isn't even a real thing. She just made that up to make sure she didn't make any stupid decisions." Kiba droned.

"And you're doing a horrible job. You're fired." Yosuga huffed, crossing her arms. Kiba shrugged.

"You're the one stuck with three genin brats, now." He finished off his barbecue stick.

"How exactly did this happen?" Kakashi wondered.

"Well..." Yosuga started.


"I think having kids would be nice." Yosuga drawled, taking another sip of sake. Kiba wrinkled his nose as he stepped into the small bar.

"I knew I'd find an alcoholic like you here. Aren't you too young to be drinking?" He asked. "Are you drunk?" Yosuga rolled her eyes.

"I'm not drunk, you idiot. I only had two or six drinks." She stood up from her stool. "Maybe a bit tipsy."

"You're unbelievable." Kiba shook his head.

"I-" Yosuga lifted a finger. "Am the Head of the Shimizu Clan. A Jounin rank ninja at fifteen. I have completed forty B-Rank and twelve A-Rank missions over the course of one year. I think, that if I'm allowed to die for my village, then I am old enough to drink."

"What will your clan think? Don't you have an image to uphold?" Kiba wondered, helping her steady herself. Yosuga scoffed, snatching her arm away from him.

"As long as I'm strong, I take care of my responsibilities as Head, and I strike fear into the hearts of anyone who dares to oppose us, then they have no room to speak." She said as he led her out the bar. She barely gave any hints at having alcohol in her system, besides the slightly aloof tone she held in her voice. She let out a small whine as she watched a couple kids run down the street. "I want kids, Kiba."

"Who'd want to have kids with you?" Kiba sneered. Yosuga stuck out her tongue at him.

"I don't want babies with anyone. I just want... kids. That's it." She shrugged.

"Why not ask to be a Jounin Sensei or something, then?"

"Hey, that's a great idea! Thanks, Kiba!" Yosuga smiled before dashing off towards the Hokage Tower.

"I didn't mean to really do it..."

*End Flashback*

"You drunkenly applied to be a Jounin Sensei?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "You filled out an entire packet of forms, while you were drunk, to become a Jounin Sensei?"

"I wasn't drunk!" Yosuga huffed.

"And what did I tell you about drinking? You're underage, Yosuga." Kakashi scolded.

"I'm not 'underage' enough to die for my-"

"You can't keep using that excuse every time someone confronts you about something you shouldn't be doing." Kiba interrupted.

"I can too!" Yosuga was in the doorway to Kakashi's house in a flash. "I have a meeting to go to." The door slammed shut with her words, the walls shaking with the force she put into it. Kakashi sighed.

"What a psycho." Kiba mumbled.



"Get out of my house."


So this interlude will be a compilation of ten chapters, encompassing one year before Shippuden starts, but not quite getting into serious detail like a normal book. It's really just a huge introduction to Yosuga's beautiful genin team. It'll mostly be pretty light-hearted and a bit comedic, since Shippuden is just a pool of tears and depression. The chapters may range from stupidly long to incredibly short (like this chapter was). I'm gonna be working on this along with the Oneshot Yosuga Pairings book.


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