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Look at Mama Yosuga. She looks so tired lol

Ft. A couple nerds and a beetle

"Wait, wait. You've never celebrated your birthday?" Kiba incredulously asked, his eyes wide in disbelief. Yosuga raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I?" She frowned.

"Cause it's your birthday! The day you were born! Don't you think that's something to celebrate?" Kiba waved his hands around. Yosuga rolled her eyes.

"My clan doesn't celebrate anything, besides the kids becoming ninja. And that's only a thing because I made it a thing. I thought you knew that." She leaned her chin on her fist.

"Why the hell would I know that..." Kiba mumbled before spotting Sakura in the crowd. "Oh! Sakura!" He called her over with a wave.

"Hey guys!" She cheerfully greeted once she made it to their table.

"Hey Sakura." Yosuga greeted.

"You celebrate your birthday, right?" Kiba asked. Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah. I'm usually busy but my parents and I go out to eat if we can." She shrugged. "Why?"

"Yosuga doesn't!" Kiba pointed at the green-haired kunoichi.

"Well yeah, everyone knows her clan doesn't do the whole celebration thing. No offense, Yosuga." Yosuga shrugged at Sakura's words.

"What!? How come I've never heard of this?" Kiba questioned.

"Well we all know you're pretty slow."   Yosuga took a sip from her drink. Kiba huffed, crossing his arms.

"Well... why don't we celebrate your birthday, anyways? Just this once? It could be fun!" Sakura suggested. Kiba grinned, sitting up in his chair.

"Great idea! We'll invite everyone, and show you that birthdays are cool, then once you see that you've been missing out, you can make your clan celebrate them too!" He gushed. Yosuga hummed, leaning back in her chair. They both looked to her for an answer.

"No." She finally said after a minute. Their jaws dropped.

"What!? Why?" Kiba whined. Yosuga shrugged.

"I don't feel like it."

"You don't even have to do anything!"


"Wha-fine." Kiba grumbled, before winking at Sakura when Yosuga wasn't looking. She quickly got the hint, and smiled as she turned to Yosuga.

"Well! I should be going now, I'll see you guys later!" She waved at them and left, and Kiba stood up.

"I actually have to go, too." He suspiciously chuckled. He was a bad liar.

"Uh..." And Kiba was already long gone. "Okay..."


Yosuga ended up not seeing any of her friends for the rest of the day, though she didn't really mind. She instead spent the majority of her time reading a book outside a small restaurant. There was no question Yosuga had important work she should definitely be doing right now, but that rarely- if ever- stopped her from doing what she wanted. It was a quiet, sunny day, and the street wasn't as crowded as it usually was, so it was a good time to read.

But of course, all good things must come to an end.

The sun was setting by the time she spotted a familiar face, but she decided she didn't want to talk to him right now, so she ignored him as he passed by. Again. And again. And again.

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