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"I don't know how you do it, Lee." Yosuga sighed. "Even I get tired of training sometimes."

"To remain youthful, one can never stop training! First thing Gai-sensei taught me." Lee flashed her a grin as he continued his handstand push-ups.

"Right..." Yosuga mumbled, watching him as he moved on to doing laps around the training grounds on his hands from where she at on the ground. "I guess it's a good way to pass the time when you have nothing else better to do."

"I assume if you're able to watch me, then you have nothing else better to do, right? Join me!" Lee cheered. He really looked like he was enjoying himself, Yosuga noticed. "Then we can become even more youthful together! Like spring flowers-"

"I think I'll have to pass this time. I have to meet with Sakura and Hinata soon and I don't wanna be all sweaty." Yosuga lightly smiled. Though, the longer she sat there, the more bored she became. Hanging out with Rock Lee was fun... when they weren't training. He never shut up about being "youthful" either way but at least when they were sharing a meal, he wasn't trying to force her into becoming like him and his sensei. "Let's go get some food. I'm hungry."

"I'd love to, Yosuga-sama-"

"Yosuga." She corrected under her breath.

"-but I have to finish my training."

"Does running five hundred laps have to be part of your training regimen?" Yosuga wondered, pulling grass up out the ground. "You know you missed my birthday party?"

"I did!?" Lee exclaimed, jumping to his feet in surprise. Yosuga nodded. "I didn't know you celebrated your birthday!"

"I don't. Kiba threw it for me. It was last week." Yosuga shrugged. "It was pretty cool. I've never had one, so it was weird, but not bad."

"It sound so youthful! I wish I had been there!" Lee deflated, distraught. In a second, he shot up again, full of energy. He grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. "Since I missed your birthday, I'll treat you to some lunch! Let's go!" Yosuga grinned, knowing this would happen.



Yeah I hit writers block with this one but YAY! It's finished!

The next part of Yosuga's journey, in Shippuuden, will be up in July, so I'll see you then!

ALSO: Boruto is sooo good and there's only two episodes out. It makes me sad to see Naruto too busy with work to be in his kids lives cause I always wanted to see him with a big happy family :( but besides that I can't wait to see how it'll play out. Inojin is my fave just cause I like his outfit. Plus he's so mouthy and I love it.

Until next time, Babes!

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