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Ft. Kiba the Bestie and Daichi the GRASS STAIN


A senbon hung from Yosuga's mouth as she stood before her team. This was their first training session after becoming a team almost a full month ago. She hadn't been able to meet with them between their D-Rank missions and her own missions and clan responsibilities. She held three pieces of paper in her hand.

"Anyone know what these are?" She questioned, waving the papers around.

"Chakra papers." Chihiro answered. Yosuga nodded.

"Yes. These are chakra papers. You hold them inbetween your thumb and pointer finger and depending on the reaction of the paper, it tells you your chakra nature." She passed one out to each of them. "I already have somewhat of an idea what yours are, but I want to be sure. I was given a file with all your information, but didn't feel like reading it so this is me learning more about you three."

"Joy." Tenshi mumbled as he held the paper in his hand.

"Focus your chakra into the paper, and it'll do stuff." Yosuga vaguely explained. Rei lifted an eyebrow at the slip before gasping in shock as it burned to ash.

"What the-" He turned his hands over.

"Your chakra nature is fire." Yosuga said. "What a surprise." Rei grinned, quickly getting over his shock.

"Awesome!" He exclaimed, looking over to see Tenshi's paper turn into dirt and crumble out of his fingers.

"Looks like yours is earth, Tenshi." Yosuga drawled before peering over at Chihiro's wet paper. "As expected, Chihiro's nature is water. Fun."

"Now what?" Tenshi questioned.

"Discovering your chakra nature was the first thing on my list, but we won't be working on honing your individual skills until next week. This week, we will be working on teamwork." Yosuga answered.

"Teamwork? What's the point in that? What about fighting and stuff?" Rei asked.

"Teamwork is imperative to a ninja's life. Why else would they put you in teams? You three have to work together to complete your missions, because if you don't, shortstacks like you won't stand a chance. If one man falls, you'll all fall. And by fall I mean die."

"But we worked together to get those bells from you, and the entire time we've been doing these missions, so isn't our teamwork good enough?" Rei wondered.

"You sure ask a lot of questions. The weed-pulling and grocery shopping you three have been doing is not the same as fighting enemies." Yosuga sighed. "And don't be stupid. 'Good enough' isn't going to keep you alive when you're up against enemy ninja, outnumbered three to thirty. Though with those odds, teamwork probably isn't going to save you anyway."

"You sure are selling this teamwork concept." Tenshi crossed his arms. Yosuga glanced at him.

"I was taught to brake fingers, not teach a bunch of kids." Yosuga deadpanned.

"What are we to do?" Chihiro asked. Yosuga smirked. That's the question she wanted to hear.

"You all know Kakashi Hatake, I'm sure." She started.

"The infamous Copt Cat Ninja? Who doesn't!?" Rei gushed. Everyone gave him a look. "What? I read the Bingo Book."

"Yes well, I have a mission for you." Yosuga gave then a devilish smile, and they knew this wasn't going to be good.

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