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"This is so lame!" Tenshi complained as he moved a wooden beam from a pile of rubble that used to be a building.

"Hush, Tenshi." Chihiro mumbled, helping a civilian out of a hole. "A lot of these people have lost friends and family to this crazy fire. They lost their homes, and many of them are injured. And since last night, they've been stuck, trapped in all the rubble and debris. You can at least act sympathetic." Tenshi sighed.

"Thanks for making me sound like a bad person."

"Oi, less talking, more saving." Yosuga called to them from a couple piles of rubble away.

"How the hell did she hear us?" Tenshi questioned under his breath.


"We don't need another of your creepy monologues about things you probably shouldn't know about Sensei, Rei." Chihiro interrupted him. Rei huffed.

"It's public knowledge!" He argued.

"This... kinda sucks..." Aoi frowned, looking around. "I mean, having your home burned down... Its not the whole town, at least, but how could this entire street have burned down, over night? How must it feel, to have your entire life come crashing down around you, in the space of a couple hours?"

"Accidents happen, Aoi." Lenka spoke as the two senseis walked up to their students. "Some end up being worse than others, but you just have to learn to move on from it. That's all you can do."

"Still..." Aoi let out a sigh. After a short moment of silence, Yosuga spoke.

"We got out the last of the trapped civilians. Our work here is done." She announced, making her team's faces light up.

"Lets eat!" They chorused.

"Is that normal?" Lenka wondered, watching Yosuga's team drag hers away to a local eatery.

"My team loves to eat." Yosuga nodded, crossing her arms with a sigh. "They're bleeding my pockets dry."

"But you always make Kiba pay?" Tenshi lifted an eyebrow, turning back to her.

"And you're going to pay with a broken nose if you don't stay out of grown up conversations."

"You're only a couple years older than me." Tenshi mumbled under his breath, turning back to his team. Lenka chuckled.

"Hey, when did you become a Jounin? I don't remember seeing you at the exams." Yosuga queried, knowing Lenka couldn't be much older than her. She decided she wanted to get to know Lenka more, since she had a feeling they'd be working together again.

"Oh, I got promoted at the beginning of the year, but just got my team around a month or two ago. What about you?" Yosuga shrugged, trying to remember just when she became a Jounin.

"I think maybe around this time last year, but I also just got my team a couple months ago." They sat down together when they reached a small ramen shop. Yosuga couldn't stand ramen, but she could stand for shochu. Which for some reason they didn't have, so she went with sake. Everyone else indulged in the salty goodness(?) of their different types of ramen. Well, everyone else besides Yasu, who Yosuga caught staring at her on more than one occasion since the beginning of the mission. It definitely creeped her out to no end, but she would rather ignore it than confront the silent girl.

"I didn't peg you for an alcoholic." Lenka observed with a raised eyebrow. Yosuga scoffed.

"That's because I'm not." She took a sip, closing her eyes to savour the taste with a small smile for just a second. When she opened her eyes again, she was looking down at her cup. "I've been sober for a week."

"Until now." Chihiro spoke up. Yosuga's eyebrow twitched, Chihiro's uncharacteristic back-talk bringing an irritated smile to her face.

"Shut the hell up, Otonashi." She muttered, leaning foreword on the table. "Jeez, I have once drink and everyone thinks I'm a drunk."

"That's because you are." Tenshi blatantly spoke.

"Which is kind of not even allowed. Since you're kind of underage." Rei added, without even thinking, through a mouth full of noodles.

"And maybe I'll kind of break your noses if you don't shut up and eat the food that I paid for." Yosuga snapped, and the three quickly shut up, slurping their noodles.



Is it me you're looking for?¿?¿

I'm going to Disney Land in a couple of hours.

I'm in love with Tenshi

And Rei

And Chihiro

And just about ever character in this universe.

Except Kabuto. Fucken hate that guy

Kk luv u bi

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